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The e-commerce.

Load Products


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Hi, I'm setting up a site that sells sports photos that I've taken at local parks in my area. I would like to bulk load all of the images in a directory located on my pc as new products on ocSommerce. So if I've taken 100 pictures I can mass load them as 100 new products without having to add them 1 by 1. I've searched the contributions and can't find anything to help me do this does anyone have any ideas?


Thanks PLJ

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are the images to be products? or are they to be showing what the products are? there is a contribution called easy populate

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Yes, the digital images are the products per say. They're actually buying different sized prints of the digital images. The digital images have a watermark on them to keep them from pinting them. They place the order I send them the printed product. Hope this helps.

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I had installed PHPTriad (PHP + MYSQL + APACHE) in my home computer.

Then I add all products using Zeos or MS Access with ODBC connector to MYSQL or having fun with script contribution like ProductAdder, EazyPopulate and so on.


Then check everything with localhost. Everything okay then I simply dump the database using phpMyAdmin. Then I carried less than a megs of sql script to internet cafee.


Then I execute the sql file to add to my server, upload all required images with ftp. Done. :D It would be less than an hour online for updating 100 to 200 items. Except for uploading the big cover version. :angry:



"Did I had the dream, or did the dream had me?"

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