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Home page linking to shop with session id


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Hi, hope someone can help ive spent 5hrs trying to figure this out.

I have a home page that links to the /shops different pages;

but the links are not creating a session id.

ive red different fourms using tep_href_link() function but i cant get this to work in my home page as it is in a differnt root that the shop.


here is the link im using for the advanced search, if i can solve this i can fix the rest


this link goes to the page i wan't but with no osid


my home page is html is there something i can add to the link to create session ID?



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Why do you want a link to have a session ID?

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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lets say someone comes to my web site via home page starts to shop pics a few products in his/her cart remembers something cool on the home page goes there but when returning to the shop his cart will be empty because the session id didn't follow the link when they wen't the the home page outside of the /shop


any ideas?

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Uhm... you want to have a session id in the link. If you would do that I think you would open up the possibility to see what another person thought was interesting.


As far as I know. it is cookie controlled and when you are a registered member, it will remember what you have added to the shopping cart even if you don't return in 1 hour or 1 day or 1 week.


But that is just my thought.


Richard :unsure:

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