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The e-commerce.

POS / EPOS Features again ...


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I am struggling to integrate at least some POS / EPOS features into an Multilingual (English / Chinese) osCommerce BookStore ...


The Hardware involved is not a big deal, as the Barcode Readers, the terminals and other peripherals are quite clever and can be easily attached.


There is no OSC - POS backend available, however, we have already promising contributions like MOECTOE ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1911)


Maybe, we can use a trick to make OSC run at least some features of a POS : We could install OSC-Clients in the shops and have the sales persons logon like other users. Whenever a customer comes with the goods to the counter, the sales guys input the data and checkout with "cash on delivery" or whatever. Both, the Internet-Users and the sales people will be able to connect equally to the system and those groups will be identified in the OSC administration tools.


However, I don't know yet whether there are any hiccups and this is why I am asking you for help. One possible problem might be the transmission-speed required for the POS-like transactions, - but we could at least try to do our best to tune the POS-Terminals (turn off pictures, use cache, high speed lines, etc.)



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  • 6 months later...

have you managed to integrate OSC with an epos ??


Its been several months since your post and I haven't found anything hat can turn OSC into a usefull epos ...... and I have to admit defeat at being a programmer :blush:



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