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[Contribution] Credit Card Fraud Detection Service

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I'm working on adding the phone match feature, but need help with some PHP.


MaxMind looks for the area code and exchange in the customer's phone number and doesn't seem to care whether it's presented as 123-456 or 123456.


I need some guidance on how to mask the phone number that the customer enters so that the first 6 digits are pulled out to submit to MaxMind. Keep in mind that the customer may enter their number in a variety of different ways - (4 come to mind: 800-555-1212, 800.555.1212, 8005551212, 800 555 1212). If someone could show me how to select the first 6 DIGITS that appear in a customer's phone number, regardless of the format they use, I would be forever grateful!


Additionally, this customer phone match feature as returned from MaxMind is very sensitive, so the exchange being part of the equation could possibly result in "NO" match responses for perfectly valid phone/address combinations - it would be interesting to explore whether data for this field could be submitted to MaxMind that only included the area code and still return a useful result from MaxMind.


An actual example:


My home address is in Benton City and I have a 628 telephone exchange for my home phone. When I submit a test order, I get a "NO" on the phone number match. I assume this is because the Post Office puts us in Benton City, but the telephone company considers our exchange to be a Kennewick exchange. If I leave the same address and change the phone exchange to a known Benton City number, the phone match magically changes to "YES".

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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Just added an amended version which deals with the split cc # issue and some other changes




This is a complete package containing a workaround for the extra order email not being sent when using the stock cc.php module from osC


It has ONLY been tested against cc.php on a osC2.2 (Dec 2002) installation, but I "think" that it should be OK on MS2. It HAS NOT been tested against any other credit modules other than the stock osC cc.php


Other changes:

1) Added customer phone match and high risk country fields to the output

2) Added a clickable link to the Technical Details page at MaxMind.com

3) Reformatted the output that appears in admin/orders.php (screenshot included)

4) Changed some references that were calling "customer" when they should be calling "billing"


All credit for the original mod goes to Noel Latsha and thanks for assistance with these changes to Acheron and stevel!


... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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How did you fix the e-mail issue? Just move the processing like I did?

Generally, yes but, as you pointed out, some of the calls have to be to $order instead of $sql_data_array and have to be changed in a number of places.


I also was getting duplication of 2 digits in the credit card number (a total of 18 digits between the admin area and the extra order info email using your changes), so I changed that around a bit so that I still get 8 digits in the email, but they are #7-14 and the admin area shows #1-6 and #15-16, with no duplications

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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  • 1 month later...
Does this work with the Authorize.net Module?  It doesn't seem to display any extra information.

Yes, I believe magicshoppro shop got it working correctly. look at this thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...ndpost&p=373843


and this one: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...ndpost&p=391454


And implement those changes, I'll take a look at updating the docs with the Auth.net stuff and the default cc stuff mugitty wrote. Look for it soon.



9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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Actually look for it in the next couple of hours, I've been putting off updating this one due to other projects, but the update is long overdue. I'll start on it now.



9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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Screen Shot here: http://www.nabcomdiamonds.com/catalog/imag...MaxMindV1.5.htm


Change notes: 20 August 2004 11:20:59 V1.5

(1) Added Stuart's code for split email CC/default module

(2) New Instructions in HTML format. (Its perdyier)

(3) Auth.net instructions updated

(4) Fixed wrong query that got left out somewhere between 1.2 and 1.3 with thanks to Strider (CCGV contributor )

(5) New API's from MaxMind (More features, you can get an account here: www.maxmind.com Tell em Noel sent ya!

(6) New feature allows you to do a reverse search of the telephone #, hover over where it says: "Phone Match" to search.



In case anybody was wondering, this is still a FREE service from MaxMind. You can upgrade to the pay service for more output.


Lemme know of any problems with the install or upgrade.





9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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Does this contribution work with Payments made through 2Checkout.com ?

There's only one way to find out, install it and see. Obviously I can't test every platform out there and it helps when members of the community try it out. If it wasn't for Stevel, Stuart and Acheron, I never would have gotten the default module working the way people wanted it to. Or the Auth.net issue also.


So Install it, try it and test it. We can go from there....



9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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The new version that was uploaded only added a small comments section after the score, like 3.1 (Low Risk) etc... thought many would like to see it.


Also, I forgot to add the default CC file, so I created the default CC folder and put the files everyone uses in there.


And somebody asked how to get the free account, but edited their post.


Here's a quick link though: http://www.maxmind.com/app/ccv2r_signup



9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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i'm having some problems getting it to work with authorize.net


it's adding the information to the database when authorize.net is used, but the maxmind area doesn't show up in the admin order's area. it shows up for the regular cc though and i've added following code to checkout_process.php in /catalog:

include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'authorizenet_direct.php');
require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'maxmind/maxmind.php'); 


from step 6. I ignored everything after this step... is this correct? i wasn't sure from the directions.


I've also tried it with SSL/Curl off and on (placed orders, etc).



These are the results from the MaxTest (with an Authorize.net Order):


distance = 40

countryMatch = Yes

countryCode = US

freeMail = No

anonymousProxy = No

score = 0.02

binMatch = Yes

binCountry = US

err =

proxyScore = 0.00

spamScore = 0.00

binName =

ip_isp = Pac Bell Internet Services

ip_org = Pac Bell Internet Services

binNameMatch = NA

binPhoneMatch = NA

binPhone =

custPhoneInBillingLoc = NotFound

highRiskCountry = No

queriesRemaining = 993


Thank you in advance for your help.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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ack, i take that back. during an order the data is not added to the database. it's added as all blank fields. but the information is added correctly, when maxtest.php is run. any help is appreciated. The maxmind area, still doesn't show up in the admin orders though.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Hello I have just recently installed Version 1.51 of this contribution. It is working ok except for Bin Match which always returns NOTFOUND.... Is this a problem with the code? because with version 1.4 this was working.

Below is results always obtained with 1.51 on the following line:

Bin Match: NotFo Bin Country: Bin Name:


Bin country is always blank as well as bin name.

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I just checked by using the 1.4 files and the BIN MATCH is now dispaying YES or NO, anyone else had same problems with 1.51?

I think I know part of the problem, I moved some code to the top of 1.51

$ccfs->isSecure = 1;


I totally missed the ball on that one, it needs to be put back under cust phone, like this:

$h["custPhone"] = $phone;      //set customer phone number

// If you have cURL and an SSL connection available, leave the next line uncommented
// Otherwise comment it out by adding "//" in front of it.
$ccfs->isSecure = 1;


And deleted from the top, my bad :unsure:

9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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ack, i take that back.  during an order the data is not added to the database.  it's added as all blank fields.  but the information is added correctly, when maxtest.php is run.  any help is appreciated.  The maxmind area, still doesn't show up in the admin orders though.

Which version of auth.net are you running and did they change anything recently? I haven't looked at the code changes yet, but I'm about to.

9 times out of 10 its a PEBCAK Error (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)


Replace that and you're fine...

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Thanks Noel,


I'm running Transaction version 3.1 with authorize.net using

Austin's Authorize.net Cosolidated 1.7 contribution


No, they haven't changed anything recently that i know of. Just to recap really quickly, since that blurb was probably pretty confusing. It's creating an entry into the SQL db for maxmind when using authorize.net, but the fields are all blank. It enters all of the field information when using max_test.php though.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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