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Okay.....I have been beating my head for the last 3 days on trying to get the image to show up or even the product for underneath the What's new on the left hand colum and I can't seem to find how to configure it...


any help would be appreciated it..



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Okay..I found the whats_new.php underneath the boxes folder and I got it changed over to the correct products_id of my item, but I can't seem to get the image to come up....


Does anyone know how to insert the image for the item??



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  • 2 months later...

I know you posted this a while back, but I can see what your problem is, I think.


In your What's New infobox where you hardcoded the link, you need to point the image to the actual image of the item. right now, this:




is in your <img src=...> tag.


In order for you to call the actual automatic thumbnail image that osc creates as in the New Products in... module, you will have to use code.


Why don't you just download and install a contribution that does this. Try searching in the contrib page for something like featured product or variations of that phrase. Then instead of calling the What's New box to the right column, call the box from the contribution.

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sorry that i don't have answer for your post. But there is one thing i am intereted on is creating a password for the admin folder and if possible maybe you can help me out on how you created it because i am having problem with it.

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