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Categories Box Bullet and Line (Support)


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- This will add a seperation line between the categories

- This will add a bullet image for each category and sub category


Categories Box Bullet and Line

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Hey mate, very nice contrib.


I was wondering if we only wanted to add the bullet to the main cat and not the subs would this be possible?


Also can we still have a seperate area of the stylesheet for the categories area so we can still make the font bigger and different colour text?




Edited by Choppy
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Yes this is possible you need to add a few lines of code to the categories.php around line 47


Locate the code

$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
? ?$categories_string .= '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'checkout_bullet.gif', '') . ' ';


and change it to this


if ($foo[$counter]['parent'] == 0) {
? ?$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
? ?$categories_string .= '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'checkout_bullet.gif', '') . ' ';
} else {
$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
? ?$categories_string .= '">';


and heres a freebie if you want a different image for the sub categories make the replacement code this


if ($foo[$counter]['parent'] == 0) {
? ?$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
? ?$categories_string .= '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'checkout_bullet.gif', '') . ' ';
} else {
$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
? ?$categories_string .= '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'arrow_green.gif', '') . ' ';



You can change the images to whatever you want and you can still use your css

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I have installets the add bullet image contribution and there is a blue border around the each image. How do I go about removing that.



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I went to your site however could not see any installed contribution.

I believe that the blue border issue is browser specific as I do not see this myself in either I.E.6 or mozilla, however this can be resolved by making borders=0

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to change the font colour directly inside the categories.php file?


I have modified the cart so much that the left categories box is using gray writing as through the rest of the MAIN A area of the stylesheet.. I want it to be white text and bold. Without affecting the whole cart.


The simplest method i would think would be insert the code directly into the categories.php the reason i ask is because im using your contribution and i think since i added it is when it changed the colours etc.




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The only discrepency is that I have used a capital I instead of a lower case i in two instances

new InfoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false);

should read

new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false);



new InfoBox($info_box_contents);

should read

new infoBox($info_box_contents);


The install was carried out on a default oscommerce 2.2MS2 however had been implimented in another install with a modified stylesheet.


the code as it stands gives the default black text and light blue hyperlink, which is the standard throughout a default install and is controlled in the stylesheet.


If changing the capital I to lowercase i does not resolve your issue then your issue is not with this contribution, however is very easily rectified.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried this contribution and find that the Categories 'Tree' indents a second level category, but third level categories default back to the left.


It would be preferable to have the third level located under the second level but with a different colour bullet image.


Does anyone who has used this contribution know if this is possible, and if so how to change it?


Contibution here

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There is a support thread for this contribution located here Categories Box Bullet and Line (Support).


You could ask a moderator to move this thread to that support area whereby any answer given will then be easily accessible to others wishing to use the contribution and where others using the contribution may be tracking and able to help.


You would need to post the code that you have for that box as I get this on a default osCommerce setup with the contribution.





? ? CDROM Drives

? ? Graphics Cards

? ? ? ? Test Graphics 3

? ? Keyboards

? ? Memory

? ? Mice

? ? Monitors

? ? Printers

? ? Speakers


This shows the third level category clearly set in from the second level category

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Thanks 241,

I'll repost to the correct thread - half asleep today and missed it.


Strange though, I used the 'categories.php' supplied with the contribution, so not sure why I get something different to what you get!!


Thanks again



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Now I'm in the right thread, I'll try again.


I used the standard 'categories.php' that came with the contribution and the only mod I have done to it is the one shown above for using a different bullet for the sub-categories.


The problem can be seen here

The Category 'Kitchens - vinyl doors' has two subcategories 'Base units Hi-line' and 'Base Units Drawer Line' which both have a third level 'for single and double doors. The third level is left justified instead of indented.


Anyone any ideas on how to fix this?


If needed i can post the code, but it is quite long. is there any part of it which would be useful?

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this is what I see when I view your link




Kitchens - Vinyl Doors

    Base Units Drawerline

        Drawer-Line Double Door

        Drawer-Line Single Door

    Base Units Hi-line


which is correct, with the third category level indented, not left justified.

I would change the images though as I only used those for demo purposes, a visual aid if you like.

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Thanks Steve,


I found out what the problem is.


If I use IE it looks correct, but I normally use Mozilla Firefox and thats where the problem lies.

I'm not sure if there is a fix to correct that as I'm not too familiar with the differences.


Thanks for the comment regarding the images, but this is just a development copy, the live store is on a different link and when I transfer the contributions I 'tidy' them up.



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Thanks Steve,


I found out what the problem is.


If I use IE it looks correct, but I normally use Mozilla Firefox and thats where the problem lies.

I'm not sure if there is a fix to correct that as I'm not too familiar with the differences.


Thanks for the comment regarding the images, but this is just a development copy, the live store is on a different link and when I transfer the contributions I  'tidy' them up.



I think you would hit this issue anyway due to width constrants of the box, a suggestion would be to take out an  


If you look you will notice that your third level has a gap of one line between it and the second level.


Allow for a slightly wider box to accommodate the text characters and image as you have long category names when spread across multi-levels.


Also look at the way I.E. breaks the constraint of the box in comparison to Mozilla.

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I have installed the catagories_bullets conttribution......... Thank you for you efforts:




A couple questions:


1. THere is a border around each of the bullets. I would like to eliminate them. Looking at the code, it appears the bullet is part of the link. Therefore, the image is also underlined. How do I go about eliminating the border.


Secondly, the "other button is appearing for the top of the catagory. How do I rectify this.

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I notice that you are not using the line part of the contribution, so therefore you must have changed the code.


I also notice that you do not support osCommerce on your site.


A view source shows the issue in that the borders are not set to 0 to which I replied before.

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Just a quick note to say that your suggestion

I think you would hit this issue anyway due to width constrants of the box, a suggestion would be to take out an  


worked a treat.


Thanks for a really neat contribution - it tidied up our categories index beautifully without any over-complicated code amendments.



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Thank you for your response, glad that it worked for you, also glad that you took the time to post that it worked so as to benefit others.

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Sorry for hitting the wrong thread.


My previous note went astray;

I must agree with others the contrib works very well and is looking very nice as well.

To move things slightly up I would like to get rid of the separation lines.

When I try to delete <hr> I get this error in line 98.

How to go about to remove the separation lines?


My store is at: http://www.inforad.be/osCommerce/

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Sorry for hitting the wrong thread.


My previous note went astray;

I must agree with others the contrib works very well and is looking very nice as well.

To move things slightly up I would like to get rid of the separation lines.

When I try to delete <hr> I get this error in line 98.

How to go about to remove the separation lines?


My store is at: http://www.inforad.be/osCommerce/

What is the error that you get and how are you removing the horizontal line <hr> tag are you just removing the <hr> tag leaving '' or are you commenting out the section.

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Just removing the <hr> tag in both line 173 and 181 gives me this error:


Parse error: parse error in /home/inforad/public_html/osCommerce/includes/boxes/categories.php on line 98.


Any advise?

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After removing the <hr> tag in line 30, like this

line 30 $categories_string .= "";


I got rid if the lines.

Thanks for pushing me to think

Thinking is a very underrated function :P


Glad you got it sorted out :D

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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