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PDF Catalog v.1.5

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I'm getting this error:

Cannot access empty property...pdf_catalogue_info2.php on line 721


Line 721 is:



Does this mean I have a problem with the categories.php in admin?

I have set the level to be 1 on the first folders, besides from that I have done nothing, I have no subfolders.


Can anyone help me please???

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I'm getting this error:

Cannot access empty property...pdf_catalogue_info2.php on line 721


Line 721 is:



Does this mean I have a problem with the categories.php in admin?

I have set the level to be 1 on the first folders, besides from that I have done nothing, I have no subfolders.


Can anyone help me please???





You are getting this error due to this being empty.

If you remove the '$' sign it will render it useless but you should be able to generate a PDF from the Admin side. It doesn't work for me on the customer side, not much help.


Good Luck !!!



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it already works from the admin side, so I dont need to render it useless.

Does anyone have a good install instruction for the admin/categories.php?

I think my problem lies there.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I get this one problem that I can't see anyone else having.

When I generate catalogs in admin the language setting in my admin switch from my default language to english.


Can anyone tell me why? or how I can fix it?

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Hey all


I have install the newest modul and most all work great, but when i will make pdf file from " fx. hardware" is make the file but i get this error



Can someone tell me what wrong. ?? can i be catalog/pdf_catalogue_info2.php there are the problem ??


I hope someone can help me.

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Work Now.


But how can i get the white box to the colour i will have. ???


Hey all


I have install the newest modul and most all work great, but when i will make pdf file from " fx. hardware" is make the file but i get this error



Can someone tell me what wrong. ?? can i be catalog/pdf_catalogue_info2.php there are the problem ??


I hope someone can help me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just installed v.2.0.1 - everything seems to be fine, but when I go to generate the pdf files I get the following error message:


FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported: /home/paganmag/public_html/shop/images/pp3b8d1479.png


Is there a work around or will I have to change all of my png files to jpg?


I too have a thumbnails file, is it possible to generate the images from that directory

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone.

After many hours (Several days in fact) of trying to install the PDF catalog 2.06 I have solved the 1054 and 1064 errors.

I get this page in admin


PDF Catalog(s) Generation


To start the PDF generation and save on disk, please clik on the button:


Now when I click on the button the page goes blank and a few seconds later all I get a page with the left admin column and this

PDF Catalog(s) Generation

No catalog has been generated, but no error messages either.

Any suggestions please

Edited by cmgrant
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I have this same error, I try to run PDF Catalog 2.02 from the admin site and I get : Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/www/xxxxx/catalog/admin/pdf_catalogue.php on line 625


I have also tried all fixes proposed in this threat but no solution work,


Thank you in advance for your support,


Best regards

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How do you edit the PDF export file to elimate all the xrta pages. I have a lot of page breaks in the categories, and would like to get rid of the blank page that starts each category.



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I actually figured something out! I bang my head on my desk and looked at all the references.


If you need to print a pdf of a catalog simply do this!

Copy the "FONT" folder into your "catalog" root directory!

I need that and Presto the PDF's save to the proper folder and you can downloasd them!!




PS. Don't forget that the categories pdf has its own pdf_config.php file to setup!

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Hi everyone.

After many hours (Several days in fact) of trying to install the PDF catalog 2.06 I have solved the 1054 and 1064 errors.

I get this page in admin


PDF Catalog(s) Generation


To start the PDF generation and save on disk, please clik on the button:


Now when I click on the button the page goes blank and a few seconds later all I get a page with the left admin column and this

PDF Catalog(s) Generation

No catalog has been generated, but no error messages either.

Any suggestions please



Sorry I havn´t got a solution to you since I´m a few steps behind U. I´d like your help...You state that you have fixed the 1054 error - I´ve just installed the contribution and have all the correct interface in the shop and admin but get the following error message in Admin "Create PDF Catalog":


1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_id' in 'on clause'


select p.products_id, pd.products_name, pd.products_description, p.products_image, p.products_model, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, p.products_date_added, m.manufacturers_name from oscommerce_products p left join oscommerce_manufacturers m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, oscommerce_products_description pd left join oscommerce_specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id, oscommerce_categories c, oscommerce_products_to_categories p2c where products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '4' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p2c.categories_id='22' order by pd.products_name, p.products_date_added DESC




Any suggestiond to correction?


After fix I´m curious if ´left with the same experience as you mention here(?)





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Well the solution has to do with putting the correct brackets in the SQL to handle the joins. Older versions of mySQL weren't very fussy but mySQL5 is. Try googling for the solution


Hi again,


Now after I´ve had some brainstorming(?) after a hard days work and a good glas of Chardonay - It works for me with just a small (...)


1.) I started with the Image magic contrib of PDF-productcatalog, that´s when I got all sorts of problems including the page columns being haywire...


So I decided to go for the version without the added functionality.


2.) It requires the added brackets in the code which you mentioned since MySQL is of later version (this issue is also addressed by the developer in a MySQL-fix included):



If you are using MySQL 5 you will need to change line 609 to:


$requete_prod="select p.products_id, pd.products_name, pd.products_description, p.products_image, p.products_model, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, p.products_date_added, m.manufacturers_name from (" . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p left join " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd) left join " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " s on p.products_id = s.products_id, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c where products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "' and p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = c.categories_id and p2c.categories_id='".$current_category_id."' order by pd.products_name, p.products_date_added DESC";


The only change is the addition of brackets after the FROM clause:


(" . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p left join " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m on p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd)




hro2u continued:


With this fix the script works to generate the different language based catalogs (complete cataloges that is) I still face the issue of figuring out why the selected categories cataloges are not generated...)


As for the layout issue on the site, with this set up it´s no issue, no columns on the downloadpage (then the "big ugly" default OSC button has it´s purpose and that´s fine with me.



If anyone has a solution to the split categories productcatalog I would be cheering you with yet another glas of white :-)



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Hi All


PDF Catalog v2.0.6 downloaded tonight.


Selecting the PDF Introudction (pdf_define_intro.php) from the Tools menu


I get a pink error message on the page ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE.


Checking in pdf_define_intro.php


line 123 ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE language variable not defined.


Error occuring as $file is null value




a) why is it null

b) need to handle a null value with appropriate error

c) need to add ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE definition


No time to fix tonight, but cannot see that anyone else has this issue. Am I alone?

Edited by Tony

My oscMax Store RecoverToy :: Antique Toy Car Parts
Tony's Tech Blog
WrenMaxwell WebManagement

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Hi All


Another issue with timeouts.


3000 + items in system so the timeout via the browser is a certainty. In fact I messed with v 1.x of this contrib about 2 years ago and gave up due to lack of time. But it is now an essential for me.


Running from a command line is not using Apache => Register Globals being enabled via the .htaccess file is ignored.

As a result I am using


#php pdf_catalogue.php


to execute from the Linux command line BUT I get


FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!


How can I get around this? I do not want to enable globals on the server as it messes with my other apps.

My oscMax Store RecoverToy :: Antique Toy Car Parts
Tony's Tech Blog
WrenMaxwell WebManagement

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Hi everyone.

After many hours (Several days in fact) of trying to install the PDF catalog 2.06 I have solved the 1054 and 1064 errors.

I get this page in admin


PDF Catalog(s) Generation


To start the PDF generation and save on disk, please clik on the button:


Now when I click on the button the page goes blank and a few seconds later all I get a page with the left admin column and this

PDF Catalog(s) Generation

No catalog has been generated, but no error messages either.

Any suggestions please

I am getting the exact same thing. Don't see any answers to your question. Were you able to figure this out? I can click the link to view the catalog but there is nothing there. I did notice that when I am in the admin section the session id is at the end of my url (does not happen on my store- just in admin). And when I click the link to view the pdf catalog the session id is also present. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Please note: I have had many a post looking for answers go unanswered so if I am asking this in the wrong section and a newer sectione exsists out there by all means, PLEASE point me in the right direction.

Thanks a lot!


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I am getting the exact same thing. Don't see any answers to your question. Were you able to figure this out? I can click the link to view the catalog but there is nothing there. I did notice that when I am in the admin section the session id is at the end of my url (does not happen on my store- just in admin). And when I click the link to view the pdf catalog the session id is also present. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Please note: I have had many a post looking for answers go unanswered so if I am asking this in the wrong section and a newer sectione exsists out there by all means, PLEASE point me in the right direction.

Thanks a lot!


If it helps I am using the STS4 power pack mod. Does this make the difference in why it doesn't show up?



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Thanks for that Jessica,


I did have a look at the php file originally, but whatever I did, it was still at the bottom.


I used the code you supplied, it gave me the right column, but was still at the bottom, so all I done was got rid of the left (which is my categories, and not really needed on that page), and page now looks great..


so Thanks for the info, helped out alot.


Also, it seems people are having trouble on seperate category downloads, is there any way at all, at getting rid of that option on that page. It is handy, but would rather have the full catalog download only, if the category downloads do not work.


Any help appreciated..


Hi all,


I made an interesting(?) discovery the other day concerning getting pdf´s out of specific categories rather than the complete pdf-catalog.


Read in an earlier post in this forum that somebody installed the font catalog in the contribution not only to catalog/admin but also to catalog/!


So I gave it a shot and now I can get the template for the pdf page generated and a 2nd page which only has written:


PDF_INDEX_HEADER in the top.


Conclusion: The is a function working to generate pdf but for some reason it doesn´t get filled by the product info.


Any ideas?


I also wonder a bit about the coding of the so called "statusbar" that´s supposed to be filled while the pdf is generated???


Anyone looked in to this? Should be about time to solve the categories-pdf function, as I understand noone of the coders have bothered to solve this...If nothing is done I suggest this contribution to be withdrawn from the contributionslist since it creates more problems and takes time from all it´s users than the benefits it gives an online store. >_<



If getting the categories selected pdf´s working then I dont have to bother to much about the fact that my catalog nos is to large to be generated as a compete pdf-catalog.



Best Regards,



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Hi All


PDF Catalog v2.0.6 downloaded tonight.


Selecting the PDF Introudction (pdf_define_intro.php) from the Tools menu


I get a pink error message on the page ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE.


Checking in pdf_define_intro.php


line 123 ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE language variable not defined.


Error occuring as $file is null value




a) why is it null

B) need to handle a null value with appropriate error

c) need to add ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE definition


No time to fix tonight, but cannot see that anyone else has this issue. Am I alone?






to 777

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Would it be a huge issue to get attributes to display along with prices in the PDF?





David G Aschenbrener

Tranquil | Sense - Your Stop for Tranquility.

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I am having the same problem regarding the pdf not being generated on the customers side when they choose categories.


I found the problem on my side. I needed to remove "$" in front of every:








in /catalog/pdf_catalogue_info2.php like done on my /catalog/admin/pdf_catalogue.php


All this cause by PHP5

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I tried this but all I do not get anything at all to happen, just a wide open area where the status bar is supposed to be.


Any suggestions?




I found the problem on my side. I needed to remove "$" in front of every:








in /catalog/pdf_catalogue_info2.php like done on my /catalog/admin/pdf_catalogue.php


All this cause by PHP5



David G Aschenbrener

Tranquil | Sense - Your Stop for Tranquility.

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