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Index Page Log on


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I am looking for some ideas to creating my index.html (not index.php) home page for my clients to log on first before viewing any of the webpages. They reason i am taking this approach is that main my clients are home owners and would like thier home to be a private sector of their sale.


Here what i can do and can not do.


I can create my index.html home page with out a problem and add the following box's such as


username: ([email protected])

Password : (xxxxxxx) etc...


What i am needing help on how to link the log on page to the index.php page once the client hit the logon button.


If anyone who has a scripte and instruction that they would like to share please post.

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If you want to restrict your site to people who are logged in, just put this at the bottom of includes/application_top.php:

  if ((basename($PHP_SELF) != "login.php") && (basename($PHP_SELF) != "create_account.php") && (basename($PHP_SELF) != "password_forgotten.php") && (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id'))) {
   tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));

Your customers cannot view the site without being logged in. Only the Login, Password Forgotten, and Create Account pages are accessible. If you don't want your customers to be able to create an account, just remove the"&& (basename($PHP_SELF) != "create_account.php")" from the above.




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