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Html - no Wysiwyg - Newsletters


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I need a workable EASY solution to allow me to send html mail "newsletters" to customers.


I have tested both: html_wysiwygEditor_v1.6.6 & WYSIWYG HTMLAreaMS2v1_7.zip... although I am sure the developers feel these are great, my experince has been poor.

Neither install on a clean M2 install and function as described. In the case of WYSIWYG HTMLAreaMS2v1_7.zip I was never able to see the robust WYSIWYG editor.... ??????


To add insult to injury they both mangle the html output add extra code and generally do a grave disservice to the html formated file. A file that I can mail and receive with no errors from my mail client.


In any case at the end of the day they are both adding features that are not required for my the simple task of sending html mail. (AKA I format using Dreamweaver)



All I need is for the php to capture my html and add the apropriate html header for the mail clients to render the file correctly.


ANYONE!!! Please help.... :rolleyes: I am in pain at this point.

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Discovered a solution to my html mangling problem... thanks to a post from different thread.


You must remove all of the spaces and returns from the html before you past into the newsletter field... this will deal with formatting issues


Has any one rewritten the code that parses this to deal with this obvious issue?

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Please dont shout as I have a headache. :(


Read the forum rules. <_<


Thank you B)

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