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The e-commerce.

Shop Admin


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B) Would be really nice if there is a possiblity of inserting page or message on the main page which says " Shop Closed from XXX to XXX hrs. Come back later :rolleyes:

This can be enabled from the Admin Panel if some major reconstuction work is required in the shop

--- DontheCat ---


Obviously the truth is what's so

Not so obviously, it's also so what.

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Brilliant ! As we would say in Chennai, "Semmai Tucker, ma". You could ask one of your Tamil speaking pals for a transalation


Thanks ! I look forward to the refined version. ! :)


Only thing I notice that the entire layout sorta gets messy when the site is in maintainence mode. Or is it some setting at me end.


Can we also add some custom message for the visitor, instead of the default one?


Patience, my friend, I'm a simple web-designer and so lotsa questions?



--- DontheCat ---


Obviously the truth is what's so

Not so obviously, it's also so what.

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