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The e-commerce.

How do I utilize a Convenience Charge?


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I am putting together a new site for a Theatre business, and they sell both merchandise (T-Shirts, mugs, hats, etc) and now tickets to their shows online. I am wondering how I can charge a Convenience Charge for the tickets (which have a weight of 0) and not charge the merchandise. I have been searching on the board and on the contributions on the site and I have found nothing. Someone please help me! Every module I have found out there bases the charge on product price, not weight. If I could find one that based the charge on weight it would be solved.

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Well, you could just mark up the ticket price. But how's this - set a product attribute Convenience Charge with a cost of +$whatever, and have that be the only attribute for the ticket. It will display with the face value but there will be an obvious entry for the convenience charge (oh how I hate that term) that is shown separately.

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