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Cant find "hide product images"


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I will be honest here, I cant even spell PHP so I dont know how to do this.


I need the option as an end user on slow dial up for the site to not serve the product images.


Somthing like a text only version of the site only as it pertains to product images.



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The simplest thing (not requiring any coding) would be to use a tiny transparent gif as the image for all the products. You may as well use pixel_trans.gif, which is already in your images directory.


Then the only oddity will be that the Show Larger button on the product page will not make sense. To remove that, we can help you edit the product_info.php code.


Reading your post again carefully, I hesitate. If you want this feature for only some users, my suggestion would of course not be adequate. Detecting which users are on slow lines, and providing the alternative images (regular and tiny) would require quite a bit of coding.

Edited by zzfritz
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Most modern browsers ( Firefox is a good one http://www.mozilla.org ) will have the option to load a site without images.

If you know you're users it might be a good alternative.

Or they could start surfing with Lynx... ;)


You can't really distinguish these users untill they are logged in.

Once they are you could, based on that, give them an alternative tep_image() function, one that doesn;t actually display output.





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I was thinking of somthing as session variant that I as an end user set on the front page

with either a select box or a radio button. Then when the user makes the selection nothing happens until they go and look at a product. At this point we check the varient and if its true then show the images if false dont show them.

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