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Prices Missing in Catalog


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Hi everyone


Im having a prob with displaying the price of items in the catalog - they are coming up as 0


I removed all the currencies from the localization section and added the Australian dollar with the following settings:


Title:AUS Dollar


Symbol Left:$

Symbol Right:

Decimal Point:.

Thousands Point:,

Decimal Places:2



I hit the update button - it updated ok


I hit the update currencies button, and it found the exchange rate ok


As i saw in another post, I changed the line in the english.php to


// if USE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CURRENCY is true, use the following currency, instead of the applications default currency (used when changing language)



I also have no tax rates displayed in the tax section


Now every item in the catalog is shown in the catalog as having a price of 0, but in the admin section the prices are shown?!


Any suggestions are appreciated




I was digging around in the code, and ive concluded that the display_price function is getting the correct values, and the corect values are being passed to the $currencies->format function. Somewhere in that function it is returning 0 instead of the correct value


I have NOT modified the code in either product_info.php or currencies.php


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