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Total email fubar-any help appreciated


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Any help with this problem is most appreciated. In a nutshell, I can't send any emails from osCommerce. This includes the Tools -> Send Email and Customer Registration emails. Additionally no order emails are being generated at any point in the process.


Unfortunately I'm not receiving any error messages of any type. When using the Tools -> Send Email option, the message says "email sent".


I've tried using the email test script ( live email test script) however no email are received via this method either.


If anyone can suggest general troubleshooting steps that would be very helpful. I tried looking through the FAQ at www.sendmail.org, but didn't find it very helpful.



Here are the osCommerce Email Configuration Settings

E-Mail Transport Method: sendmail

E-Mail Linefeeds: LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails: false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS: false

Send E-Mails: true



Here are the server environment settings

HTTP Server: Apache

PHP Version: 4.3.4 (Zend: 1.3.0)

osCommerce: 2.2-MS2

System Linux web.support1.net 2.4.21-9.0.1.ELsmp


sendmail_from: no value

sendmail_path: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i


SMTP: mail.support1.net

smtp_port: 25


Many thanks!




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Hi Mike,


Personally I've never had trouble with osc email functions.


Have you modified anything that may have fowled up the mail?


Have you set the email options in My Store (although that should not have any effect)?


Have you tried the contact us page in the store?


You might also try a veiw source and see what the form is doing with the data.



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