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When i set up me osCommerce, this appears at the top of my index page when I open the catalog:


tag define('HTML_PARAMS','dir="LTR" lang="en"'); // charset for web pages and emails define('CHARSET', 'iso-8859-1'); // page title define('TITLE', 'osCommerce'); // header text in includes/header.php define('HEADER_TITLE_CREATE_ACCOUNT', 'Create an Account'); define('HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT', 'My Account'); define('HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS', 'Cart Contents'); define('HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT', 'Checkout'); define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', 'Top'); define('HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG', 'Catalog'); define('HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF', 'Log Off'); define('HEADER_TITLE_LOGIN', 'Log In'); // footer text in includes/footer.php define('FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE', 'requests since'); // text for gender define('MALE', 'Male'); define('FEMALE', 'Female'); define('MALE_ADDRESS', 'Mr.'); define('FEMALE_ADDRESS', 'Ms.'); // text for date of birth example define('DOB_FORMAT_STRING', 'mm/dd/yyyy'); // categories box text in includes/boxes/categories.php define('BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES', 'Categories'); // manufacturers box text in includes/boxes/manufacturers.php define('BOX_HEADING_MANUFACTURERS', 'Manufacturers'); // whats_new box text in includes/boxes/whats_new.php define('BOX_HEADING_WHATS_NEW', 'What\'s New?'); // quick_find box text in includes/boxes/quick_find.php define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', 'Quick Find'); define('BOX_SEARCH_TEXT', 'Use keywords to find the product you are looking for.'); define('BOX_SEARCH_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search'); // specials box text in includes/boxes/specials.php define('BOX_HEADING_SPECIALS', 'Specials'); // reviews box text in includes/boxes/reviews.php define('BOX_HEADING_REVIEWS', 'Reviews'); define('BOX_REVIEWS_WRITE_REVIEW', 'Write a review on this product!'); define('BOX_REVIEWS_NO_REVIEWS', 'There are currently no product reviews'); define('BOX_REVIEWS_TEXT_OF_5_STARS', '%s of 5 Stars!'); // shopping_cart box text in includes/boxes/shopping_cart.php define('BOX_HEADING_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart'); define('BOX_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY', '0 items'); // order_history box text in includes/boxes/order_history.php define('BOX_HEADING_CUSTOMER_ORDERS', 'Order History'); // best_sellers box text in includes/boxes/best_sellers.php define('BOX_HEADING_BESTSELLERS', 'Bestsellers'); define('BOX_HEADING_BESTSELLERS_IN', 'Bestsellers in

'); // notifications box text in includes/boxes/products_notifications.php define('BOX_HEADING_NOTIFICATIONS', 'Notifications'); define('BOX_NOTIFICATIONS_NOTIFY', 'Notify me of updates to %s'); define('BOX_NOTIFICATIONS_NOTIFY_REMOVE', 'Do not notify me of updates to %s'); // manufacturer box text define('BOX_HEADING_MANUFACTURER_INFO', 'Manufacturer Info'); define('BOX_MANUFACTURER_INFO_HOMEPAGE', '%s Homepage'); define('BOX_MANUFACTURER_INFO_OTHER_PRODUCTS', 'Other products'); // languages box text in includes/boxes/languages.php define('BOX_HEADING_LANGUAGES', 'Languages'); // currencies box text in includes/boxes/currencies.php define('BOX_HEADING_CURRENCIES', 'Currencies'); // information box text in includes/boxes/information.php define('BOX_HEADING_INFORMATION', 'Information'); define('BOX_INFORMATION_PRIVACY', 'Privacy Notice'); define('BOX_INFORMATION_CONDITIONS', 'Conditions of Use'); define('BOX_INFORMATION_SHIPPING', 'Shipping & Returns'); define('BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT', 'Contact Us'); // tell a friend box text in includes/boxes/tell_a_friend.php define('BOX_HEADING_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'Tell A Friend'); define('BOX_TELL_A_FRIEND_TEXT', 'Tell someone you know about this product.'); // checkout procedure text define('CHECKOUT_BAR_DELIVERY', 'Delivery Information'); define('CHECKOUT_BAR_PAYMENT', 'Payment Information'); define('CHECKOUT_BAR_CONFIRMATION', 'Confirmation'); define('CHECKOUT_BAR_FINISHED', 'Finished!'); // pull down default text define('PULL_DOWN_DEFAULT', 'Please Select'); define('TYPE_BELOW', 'Type Below'); // javascript messages define('JS_ERROR', 'Errors have occured during the process of your form.\n\nPlease make the following corrections:\n\n'); define('JS_REVIEW_TEXT', '* The \'Review Text\' must have at least ' . REVIEW_TEXT_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.\n'); define('JS_REVIEW_RATING', '* You must rate the product for your review.\n'); define('JS_ERROR_NO_PAYMENT_MODULE_SELECTED', '* Please select a payment method for your order.\n'); define('JS_ERROR_SUBMITTED', 'This form has already been submitted. Please press Ok and wait for this process to be completed.'); define('ERROR_NO_PAYMENT_MODULE_SELECTED', 'Please select a payment method for your order.'); define('CATEGORY_COMPANY', 'Company Details'); define('CATEGORY_PERSONAL', 'Your Personal Details'); define('CATEGORY_ADDRESS', 'Your Address'); define('CATEGORY_CONTACT', 'Your Contact Information'); define('CATEGORY_OPTIONS', 'Options'); define('CATEGORY_PASSWORD', 'Your Password'); define('ENTRY_COMPANY', 'Company Name:'); define('ENTRY_COMPANY_ERROR', ''); define('ENTRY_COMPANY_TEXT', ''); define('ENTRY_GENDER', 'Gender:'); define('ENTRY_GENDER_ERROR', 'Please select your Gender.'); define('ENTRY_GENDER_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_FIRST_NAME', 'First Name:'); define('ENTRY_FIRST_NAME_ERROR', 'Your First Name must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_FIRST_NAME_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_FIRST_NAME_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_LAST_NAME', 'Last Name:'); define('ENTRY_LAST_NAME_ERROR', 'Your Last Name must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_LAST_NAME_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_LAST_NAME_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH', 'Date of Birth:'); define('ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_ERROR', 'Your Date of Birth must be in this format: MM/DD/YYYY (eg 05/21/1970)'); define('ENTRY_DATE_OF_BIRTH_TEXT', '* (eg. 05/21/1970)'); define('ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'E-Mail Address:'); define('ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ERROR', 'Your E-Mail Address must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHECK_ERROR', 'Your E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid - please make any necessary corrections.'); define('ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ERROR_EXISTS', 'Your E-Mail Address already exists in our records - please log in with the e-mail address or create an account with a different address.'); define('ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_STREET_ADDRESS', 'Street Address:'); define('ENTRY_STREET_ADDRESS_ERROR', 'Your Street Address must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_STREET_ADDRESS_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_STREET_ADDRESS_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_SUBURB', 'Suburb:'); define('ENTRY_SUBURB_ERROR', ''); define('ENTRY_SUBURB_TEXT', ''); define('ENTRY_POST_CODE', 'Post Code:'); define('ENTRY_POST_CODE_ERROR', 'Your Post Code must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_POSTCODE_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_POST_CODE_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_CITY', 'City:'); define('ENTRY_CITY_ERROR', 'Your City must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_CITY_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_CITY_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_STATE', 'State/Province:'); define('ENTRY_STATE_ERROR', 'Your State must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_STATE_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_STATE_ERROR_SELECT', 'Please select a state from the States pull down menu.'); define('ENTRY_STATE_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_COUNTRY', 'Country:'); define('ENTRY_COUNTRY_ERROR', 'You must select a country from the Countries pull down menu.'); define('ENTRY_COUNTRY_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER', 'Telephone Number:'); define('ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_ERROR', 'Your Telephone Number must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_TELEPHONE_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_FAX_NUMBER', 'Fax Number:'); define('ENTRY_FAX_NUMBER_ERROR', ''); define('ENTRY_FAX_NUMBER_TEXT', ''); define('ENTRY_NEWSLETTER', 'Newsletter:'); define('ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT', ''); define('ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_YES', 'Subscribed'); define('ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_NO', 'Unsubscribed'); define('ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_ERROR', ''); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD', 'Password:'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_ERROR', 'Your Password must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_ERROR_NOT_MATCHING', 'The Password Confirmation must match your Password.'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION', 'Password Confirmation:'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_CURRENT', 'Current Password:'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_CURRENT_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_CURRENT_ERROR', 'Your Password must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW', 'New Password:'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_TEXT', '*'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_ERROR', 'Your new Password must contain a minimum of ' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH . ' characters.'); define('ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_ERROR_NOT_MATCHING', 'The Password Confirmation must match your new Password.'); define('PASSWORD_HIDDEN', '--HIDDEN--'); define('FORM_REQUIRED_INFORMATION', '* Required information'); // constants for use in tep_prev_next_display function define('TEXT_RESULT_PAGE', 'Result Pages:'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS', 'Displaying %d to %d (of %d products)'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_ORDERS', 'Displaying %d to %d (of %d orders)'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_REVIEWS', 'Displaying %d to %d (of %d reviews)'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_NEW', 'Displaying %d to %d (of %d new products)'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_SPECIALS', 'Displaying %d to %d (of %d specials)'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_FIRST_PAGE', 'First Page'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_PREVIOUS_PAGE', 'Previous Page'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_NEXT_PAGE', 'Next Page'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_LAST_PAGE', 'Last Page'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_PAGE_NO', 'Page %d'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_PREV_SET_OF_NO_PAGE', 'Previous Set of %d Pages'); define('PREVNEXT_TITLE_NEXT_SET_OF_NO_PAGE', 'Next Set of %d Pages'); define('PREVNEXT_BUTTON_FIRST', '<<FIRST'); define('PREVNEXT_BUTTON_PREV', '[<< Prev]'); define('PREVNEXT_BUTTON_NEXT', '[Next >>]'); define('PREVNEXT_BUTTON_LAST', 'LAST>>'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_ADD_ADDRESS', 'Add Address'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_ADDRESS_BOOK', 'Address Book'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK', 'Back'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_BUY_NOW', 'Buy Now'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_CHANGE_ADDRESS', 'Change Address'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUT', 'Checkout'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_CONFIRM_ORDER', 'Confirm Order'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE', 'Continue'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE_SHOPPING', 'Continue Shopping'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_DELETE', 'Delete'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_EDIT_ACCOUNT', 'Edit Account'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_HISTORY', 'Order History'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_LOGIN', 'Sign In'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART', 'Add to Cart'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_NOTIFICATIONS', 'Notifications'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_QUICK_FIND', 'Quick Find'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_REMOVE_NOTIFICATIONS', 'Remove Notifications'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_REVIEWS', 'Reviews'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_SEARCH', 'Search'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_SHIPPING_OPTIONS', 'Shipping Options'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'Tell a Friend'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_UPDATE', 'Update'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_UPDATE_CART', 'Update Cart'); define('IMAGE_BUTTON_WRITE_REVIEW', 'Write Review'); define('SMALL_IMAGE_BUTTON_DELETE', 'Delete'); define('SMALL_IMAGE_BUTTON_EDIT', 'Edit'); define('SMALL_IMAGE_BUTTON_VIEW', 'View'); define('ICON_ARROW_RIGHT', 'more'); define('ICON_CART', 'In Cart'); define('ICON_ERROR', 'Error'); define('ICON_SUCCESS', 'Success'); define('ICON_WARNING', 'Warning'); define('TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL', 'Welcome back %s! Would you like to see which new products are available to purchase?'); define('TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL_RELOGON', 'If you are not %s, please log yourself in with your account information.'); define('TEXT_GREETING_GUEST', 'Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?'); define('TEXT_SORT_PRODUCTS', 'Sort products '); define('TEXT_DESCENDINGLY', 'descendingly'); define('TEXT_ASCENDINGLY', 'ascendingly'); define('TEXT_BY', ' by '); define('TEXT_REVIEW_BY', 'by %s'); define('TEXT_REVIEW_WORD_COUNT', '%s words'); define('TEXT_REVIEW_RATING', 'Rating: %s [%s]'); define('TEXT_REVIEW_DATE_ADDED', 'Date Added: %s'); define('TEXT_NO_REVIEWS', 'There are currently no product reviews.'); define('TEXT_NO_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'There are currently no products.'); define('TEXT_UNKNOWN_TAX_RATE', 'Unknown tax rate'); define('TEXT_REQUIRED', 'Required'); define('ERROR_TEP_MAIL', 'TEP ERROR: Cannot send the email through the specified SMTP server. Please check your php.ini setting and correct the SMTP server if necessary.'); define('WARNING_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_EXISTS', 'Warning: Installation directory exists at: ' . dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/install. Please remove this directory for security reasons.'); define('WARNING_CONFIG_FILE_WRITEABLE', 'Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: ' . dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.'); define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: The sessions directory does not exist: ' . tep_session_save_path() . '. Sessions will not work until this directory is created.'); define('WARNING_SESSION_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITEABLE', 'Warning: I am not able to write to the sessions directory: ' . tep_session_save_path() . '. Sessions will not work until the right user permissions are set.'); define('WARNING_SESSION_AUTO_START', 'Warning: session.auto_start is enabled - please disable this php feature in php.ini and restart the web server.'); define('WARNING_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: ' . DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD . '. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE', 'The expiry date entered for the credit card is invalid.

Please check the date and try again.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER', 'The credit card number entered is invalid.

Please check the number and try again.'); define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD', 'The first four digits of the number entered are: %s

If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card.

If it is wrong, please try again.'); /* The following copyright announcement can only be appropriately modified or removed if the layout of the site theme has been modified to distinguish itself from the default osCommerce-copyrighted theme. For more information please read the following Frequently Asked Questions entry on the osCommerce support site: http://www.oscommerce.com/community.php/faq,26/q,50 Please leave this comment intact together with the following copyright announcement. */ define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', 'Copyright ? 2003 osCommerce

Powered by osCommerce'); ?>



Any ideas why? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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do you have php on the server

I see a closing ?> but no opening <?php

If you do have php on the server try reloading the files

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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