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The e-commerce.

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Friends I have a problem that already clears the dream to me and is the following one.


I have a computer article store www.sym.cl

To fix my sale prices I use of base the dollar for my catalogue, I explain the entrance of products I do them in dollar since this facilitates at the time of changing the values to me of products according to the type of change, thus obvious I do not have to change 1 by one the products.


In summary the entrance I do it in dollars and the predetermined currency Pesos I fit the type of change where 618 Pesos = reason why 1 dollar is = to 618 this since the entrance is in dollars but the unfolding of the value in the site must be in Pesos, now I detail to the problem the problem to them is that the calculations me do oscommerce of incorrect form if I request to him that it does not use decimal in the change currency:


Example: I articulate x 50USD$ x 19% IVA = 59,5 xs 618(type of change) = $36,771 this would be the correct value.


But oscommerce makes following when eliminating of the unfolding of the prices the 2 decimal:


I articulate x 50USD$ x 19% IVA = 60 xs 618(tipo of change) = $37,080 Which is absolutely incorrect


Dice to that the site clears in a previous step to the suitable one. oscommerce single shows the correct value to me if fixed two decimal for the unfolding of prices but this are not a solution since in my country this does not, produce confusion so that all the values are exact, I can either pass the whole catalogue to Pesos since if the dollar changes in 1 unit I must change all values 1 by 1 and the idea is single to change the type of change.


Then my question is: some exists form of which it can publish formulates it of I calculate so that I calculate deploys with decimal but final of the value without and that of of correct form the value. Sincerely its aid would be very valuable and would serve as a contribution for all the stores that use the dollar as currency bases to fix prices but that they sell mainly in national currency if the currency does not have decimal. I am really sure that here it will find aid and thanks


Really to explain this in english is dificult to me beacause i undertunding if i readit but in 50% if i typed for me lol


Salu2 From Chile Marcelo


Is there a contrib that can upload a daily exchange rate to ones site?



PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.

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