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how to generate order # and submit it to PlugnPay


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i use the Plugnpay module contrib



The order # i recieve from Plugnpay after a successfull transaction is different from that with the osCommerce has generated for that same particular transaction. It is horribly confusing when recieving confirmation emails or when I try identifying transactions for activities like voids and returns. I have come up with two possible solutions


1. the Plugnpay support team suddgested that i update the osCommerce cart to grab the 'orderID' field and seomt it somehwere in the osCommerce databases.


- This one i dont even know where to start so i looked for another solution


2. I read the Plugnpay documentation and there is a option that allows me to submit a unique order # with the varariable 'orderID' this will alow me to specify what Plugnpay should use for as order #.


- osCommerce generates order # only after the transaction has been approved/authenticated and confirmed by Plugnpay.


- How do i configure the module to generate a unique 'orderID' and submit it along with other transaction details like the card no. shipping address etc. so that Plugnpay will use the "order #" that osCommerce has specified.

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i found this in \includes\modules\payment\plugnpay.php


      # generate pnp orderid so that we don't get duplicates
     $pnp_date = date("YmdHis");
     $pnp_orderID = $pnp_date . substr(getmypid(),0,3);


can u help me replace pnp_orderID value with the osCommerce order number and not the current date


thanks alot in advanced

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