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The e-commerce.

Newbie here, need help on some issues


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Hi, I am new to this board and osCommerce, I have it install correctly and working (I guess) I want to know if it is possible and how if I want to create a database in a bulk instead of adding products one by one, I already set up my catagories, what about the pictures?

Also, how do I change the look of the site itself? Sorry if these question is redundant.


I am sorry, but I didn't see where they teach you how to "mass upload" products, can you tell me where I can find instructions?


for mass try easypopulate contribution

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


Thank you 241, I downloaded it, I am sorry, but I am new to this, I don't really understand the about the PHPSQH server editing, can someone pleaes give me a step by step instruction on how to do so? also, on my server, is the "catalog" directory the osCommerce directory or the one inside the root directory?


to install easy populate look at the install instruction in the folder. it shows you exactly.. you simply have to copy the 3 or 4 main files from the dir to your web dir i belive it is catalog.. once you do that you have to edit a file as described in the install dir.. very easy to do just add one line in order to see the "Easypopulate" link in admin.


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