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The e-commerce.

osC overload?


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What happens when I have thousands of products or customers in osC and use the administration tool?


For instance when I assign a Special, I would get a dropdown menu with 50,000 products or so to select from.


Or when I like to send an email, I will get ALL customers listed in a single dropdown menu.

As this is very nice for small stores, it does not seem to be the right way to do this for a larger store.

I do not even mention the extremely confusing Products Attributes section ...


Is there any help to expect in the foreseeable future ? Or is there maybe already a helping contribution?


I would say that some of the drop downmenus have to be replaced by a search and select functionality.



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Use any of the many MySQL frontends to display tables in a grid and modify directly. Or use an "updatable ODBC" tool such as MS Access to create linked tables and modify directly in Access. (Excel uses MS Query which is query only; you'd have to do some ADO programming to modify.)

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