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Remove Box Titles, such as "categories"


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Just wondering how I would remove the heading or title in the various boxes, such as the text "categories" or "languages", etc.


I've looked in the files in the "boxes" directory, but I can't tell where the heading part comes in.



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Go to your admin panel, select Tools -> Define Languages -> then english.php, and scroll down the page looking for the boxes you want to remove the headings for. As in


define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', 'Quick Find');


if you do this


define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', '');


then you've removed the heading for that box which appears on the page.



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Thanks SOOO much for the quick reply!


Along those same lines, how would I remove any images associated with the heading, such as the corner image?


One last thing, in boxes such as "specials" and "what's new", which page would I edit to remove the arrow images?


Thanks again!!

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For some boxes, I will just remove it. For instance, I will only be listing once special at a time, so I don't need the link to the full page of specials. Therefore, I would like to get rid of the arrow and the background curve images.


For the shopping cart box, I would prefer to move the link below the cart information, and just have a text link that says "view cart".


I've been looking through the files, and I'm not sure which ones control the changes I'm looking to make.



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