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Is my store so ugly that no one will buy from me. Someone please tell me what to do?


We don't know if it's ugly if we cant see it. How about a URL? This may slow things down, but in my experience an ugly site will still get some business.


There are many possible reasons why you are not selling anything. Is anyone looking at your store? Check your server logs. If they aren't looking, the fault is probably lack of advertizing. Customers have to know that you exist before they can buy from you. Are you listed on the major search engines? It may just take time for them to find you.


If the customers are looking but not buying, it could be that your prices are high. Or your shipping is expensive. Or they don't trust you -- is contact information prominently displayed on the site?


There are just too many possibilities here....




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For a stock shop I think it looks pretty good. There are some cosmetic problems: The site is too wide for an 800x600 display and the infobox corners are a different color than the top bar. I have no idea if these, and a few other problems I noticed, would cause loss of sales. I think it is more likely that it is because of low traffic. Do you know how many hits you are getting on your site each day? One of the poblems might be that you just don't have the traffic. That can only be changed by improving your site's position in the SE's indexes. Just a thought.



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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Thanks Jack any advice is truly appreciated and taken to heart.




Thanks Ron that was a good idea. I made the change. Does anyone know how i can add a size chart to my product info? thanks

Thanks Ron that was a good idea. I made the change.  Does anyone know how i can add a size chart to my product info?  thanks

That's done with product attributes. Look in admin/catalog/Product Attributes. I don't use them but have played around with them. They aren't that hard to set up. There is a contribution that improves the handling of them IIRC. I don't know it's name since I don't use them but have seen mention of it.



Support Links:

For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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what is a good average of hits a day for everyone who is selling pretty steady?




I'm not one to critisize...even constructively generally...but the text on your logo is a bit hard to read...


and rather than have a fake product for your sizing chart...personally I didn't even know that was a sizing chart untill I got curious about what it was and went through two extra clicks just to find out what it was...I would create a new .php file (maybe size_chart.php), place it in your /languages/english directory and link to it in your info box...in my opinion that would look more professional

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"


Hi Mark,


The size chart i put there is for another post i have on the forum. I need to supply a url to the picture so i put it there for bit for my post. thank you for your reply I am going to fix the heading text. thanks




You need to advertise, advertise, advertise. Look at all the big sites, they did not get where they are today without advertising.

PHP?!? Long live HTML!!!! But then again we never stop learning.


Barginhut, how long has your site been live?


I don't remember it being that long since you posted your site in the my store forum- it takes time to get the traffic required to generate sales.

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

  • 1 month later...

Well things haven't gotten any better. I have used google adwords, enhance,but no sales generated. Adwords gave me alot of traffic and no sales. I uploaded to froogle, Nada. Someone tell me its still to soon i need to continue to be patient. I guess I need a pep talk from you guys. thanks




you can always try shopping.com and bizrate (targeted audience)... strange though, if you are still not getting sells from adwords theres deff. something wrong on your site.


personally we had to stop our adwords campains because we got flooded with sales and we can't handle them at this point...


what i can suggest you is to look at your competition and improve on what they offer...


maybe a redesign couldn't hurt either ;)

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A few suggestions- You need hundreds of hits each day to make a few sales. The cheapest way is link exchanges with appropriate sites.

You may also like to consider displaying your goods on a dressmaker's dummy. I think it looks better but would not claim much expertise in that field - I have though of doing this for my own shop. The Nautica Golf shirt looks good as it is.


For me personally your shop is emphasizing price too much. You have taken a lot of trouble with toll-free numbers etc. All the basics are there. Now you need to get people clamouring to buy the stuff. Try also limiting the different product colours on the page Price is secondary.




Have you tried eBay? It's a good way to at least direct people to your store. Personally, if I see something on ebay, and I see an email addy in the listing, I go to their site as well. Also, you could make a store on eBay for only $9/mo I think, which you can advertise a few products in. If people are interested there, they will more than likely buy and you can then direct them to the store with the nifty PayPal URL direct after payment :)

Contributions I used : Updated 06-13-04 23:42


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I have an average of 60 uniques a day, and sell to 6 of them. 1 in 10 sales/uniques rate is pretty good.


Targetted visitors is where the money is at. Try Google Adwords.


I'm in the same boat as Roger so I just sell on ebay and use an graphics-based template and say DON'T FORGET TO VISIT MY STORE AT WWW.CDI-BUY.COM! I didn't make it clickable because ebay hates that but at least they know it's there.


It hardly does me any good to use search based advertising because I sell for other people therefore the product selection is ALWAYS changing and never the same. Seach for a camera and it probably won't be there by the time Google or whoever indexes it. Right now my plan is to become an ebay powerseller and emphasize the hell out of the fact that people can still use the same payment methods in my store as on ebay except they won't have to bid and/or wait for an auction to end. Hopefully eventually I'll be able to use ebay as nothing more than a teaser to my store.



I must say that over the last few months your site has improved a great deal. well done !! Shame about the lack of sales :angry:


I personaly don't think that i would buy anything from your store. Not because I don't want anything from your store, but it is very hard to get an idea of what the things you are selling are really like. With clothing you are selling the image, the style, you wan't people to feel that by buying your product they are going to feel in some way better about them selfs.


I think as someone said earlier your images are bad. For example i have a very similar store but i bought a dummy to take the pictures of my clothes on. Here is an example of pretty much the same top. The only difference - the dummy (and the top :) )

Im not saying my image is perfect, im still in the trial and error stage my self. But i do feel that it gives you a better idea of what the top is actualy going to look like on.


your image


my image



Just my 2 pennys




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