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How does your state charge sales tax ?


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I'm selling shirts that I got screen printed. I there is some law specific to my issue about reselling. The Ohio Sales tax is definately 6%. The rate you stated is probably your state plus county rate. Thanks for your help.

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Thats possible.


I dont know of any law that is specific for screen printed shirts.


But I would think as long as you manufactor a good that you have already paid taxes on that when you sell it you dont have to charge tax.


But check with your county.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone happen to know where you can get a listing of california's zip codes per county, after checking bmiller's snapshot i found a few zip code's that didn't match the county and would like to double check it and update if possible.

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Just found out from Board of Equalization that california is based on city then county then state. So by using zip codes there would be errors.


I'm wondering whats the best way to set this up, and also some cities have more than 1 county with different tax rates.


For Example:

City Tax Rate County

Bridgeport 7.75% Mariposa

Bridgeport 7.25% Mono



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Someone just posted up the California tax zones by Zip in a contribution (lots of thanks for them and all the time they helped to create that). I'm definately going to use that. And if I'm off a couple dollars in a year from an error on one or two orders from places that I never heard of :D then...




Seriously I don't think they are going to audit you if you are doing 99% of what you are asked to do. I'm sure if you submit them a list of order totals consolidated by zip codes and have another list of taxes paid by zip i'm pretty sure they are not going to go through that list with a fine comb.


Unless maybe you were using your OSC business as a front for some other illegal activity :-P, I wouldn't see any reason why they'd harass and nickel and dime you for a couple dollars. You're a small fish.


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Okay what about this. I don't know the current laws regarding tax purposes but here's some food for thought:


A) Is it illegal to charge customers the maximum sales tax rate offered in your state. Like if you live in the 8% area but there is a 8.5% region, can you just charge all customers 8.5% so in esscence you are overpaying your sales tax?


B) If it is illegal to added something on top of the tax amount, can you factor that cushion %-age into your shipping and/or handling fees instead?


I'm just lucky there is that California zone table :-)


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  • 5 weeks later...

Just a quick note. The BMiller mod DOES NOT WORK. It looks like a great effort, and it is very badly needed, but I installed it TWICE on virgin OSC's to the letter and got the same exact problem.


Actually, when you follow the "documentation", you'll start seeing problems where he switches back and forth between what is to be searched for and replaced. In one instance, neither can be found.


You also will not be able to simply dump the SQL file as there are duplicates which will give you errors and halt the dump.


I wish I could get a hold of the guy, but I searched and couldn't find him in the forum, and there is no link or contact in the mod. Too bad.


I might just have to hard code this in somehow.

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I assure you that many states have this problem. California is the same way. However, you pay taxes based on the county where YOU reside (or the business if different) not where the customer resides. At least in New York and California it's that way.



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You guys think you have it bad. Try living in Oklahoma. As far as internet business or a "mobil busines unit" is concerned, we not only have to charge for each county but each city as well. So that is state, county and city. For every purchase. With the internet, it is based on the "delivery point" not my location or the location of the purchaser. These rate have to be updateable because they can change from month to month.


If anyone has a successful implimentation of a county mod, can I get you input? I am going to start trying the available contributions. Also if anyone knows a way to charge for the city tax, PLEASE let me know!!!


Thanks, Kevin

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Actually, it isn't actually based on delivery point. Here's the general rule of thumb from this article:


Article on Entrepreneur.com about taxing Internet Sales


Granted, it's probably more convoluted when county and city taxes come into play. I know for New York that if it is a New York based company, they collect NY state tax, but not NYC City tax even if they based in Manhattan let's say.

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