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USPS shipping


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I am in the process of setting up my shipping options for my customer and am having trouble with the USPS option. I have enabled USPS and entered my USPS user name & password, put a check next to the production server, put none for the tax class & shippmg zone. I created a fake order to see what a customer would get when they tried to order. When I come to the shipping section of checkout it says

United States Postal Service

An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.

If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


UPS gives all of it's calculations but USPS does not. I have weight listed on all of my products. Does anyone know what else I need to do?




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  • 2 years later...

What if you have done all of this and activated the account, USPS has it set to production and you still get the same error message? Any one with ideas? I have two sites set up, USPS doesn't work on Classyhut.com but works great on Baileyshobbies.com. I have had this problem from the get go. Both have different ids. Classyhut has a brand new one and no password since USPS doesn't do passwords anymore. I am at a loss here and need help. Netfirms is my host and of course all they do is tell me go to oscommerce you'll find a fix there.



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