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File Manager


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I am trying to update pages from the OS Commerce File Manager page but it keeps giving me this error:


Error: I can not write to this file. Please set the right user permissions on: /home/virtual/site260/fst/var/www/html/oscommerce//includes/languages/english/checkout_success.php


The user name I am using is set up with all available options from what I can tell. Is there any way to correct this problem? Thanks.

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the chmod for this will need to be a minimum of 644 and it is better to download the files for edit with an ftp program such as ws_ftp then edit offline save and ftp back to the server as the online file manager has been known to cause issues by removing \ backslashes from the code which results in a parse error, the other known is the addition of white space which can cause the error headers allready sent.


How do I chmod 644 use the ftp program right click the file or directory that you want to set the permissions on then select properties

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