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Easypopulate is killing my dates....


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I download my database using easypopulate, import it into excel and add a bunch of products, then I save it as tab-delimited and go into easypopulate and upload it...suddenly all the dates are gone...:(



signed: can't get a bloody date...

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"


Just checked...no two products have the same number...just had a thought, though...it may be killing them because I wasn't putting in times..just the date...

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"


*sigh*..nope..that didn't help...da**it....

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"


ok..found the problem...have to leave the date added field blank

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"


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