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Authorize.net ADC, AIM, SIM - Which should I use?


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So after reading the forums I've found there are a few contributions for Authorize.net.


Why would I use these over the stock OSC authorize.net module?


Is there anything special that needs be done on the Authorize.net side of things to make this process as smooth as possible?



Which connection are people using that works?


Any help is appreciated,


I need to read the rules more often...

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the "ADC" method has been renamed to "AIM". so ADC & AIM are basically the same.


the default module that comes with osCommerce is the SIM method.


difference between the 2?


according to auth.net:

SIM uses a secure, encrypted HTTPS form POST connection to the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway. With SIM, each transaction is authenticated using a unique fingerprint (like a password).


AIM uses a direct secure sockets layer (SSL) connection to the Payment Gateway and is Authorize.Net's recommended connection method.


The AIM is more secure, authorize.net's recommended connection method, and should be the method used by shopping carts.


There is more difference between the two methods, but authorize.net provides all of the docs you need to get a better idea

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