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The e-commerce.

Download problem


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Thanks for that help...everything clear as mud now!


My situation is that I'm having a website created by a mate, who is using osCommerce. In my ignorance I thought osc was a program :unsure:


If he is using osc to create the site, does this mean that I don't actually need osc on my pc to maintain the site, as osc will already be on my server for whoever wants to maintain it?


I know that via the admin functions of osc I'll be able to add and remove products, but would there be anything stopping me adding images to the front page of the site at a later date? i.e. if I can use the admin function, can I access EVERYTHING on my site?


Hope this doesn't sound too thick, cos I'm just new to all this and want to make sure I'm not backing myself into a corner with only my mate able to 'tinker' with the site...


Thanks to anyone who wants to reply to my query! :)

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You don't NEED oScommerce on your home computer to run it, everything can be run from the server.


HOWEVER, if you want to modify the look of the site (and some functions), you need to download the files to your PC, modify them using a text editor, and then upload them again to the site. osCommerce's admin tool has no functions to help you change the look of the site.


I have a complete copy of the site downloaded to a folder on my home PC. Whenever I want to make a change, I do it on the home PC file, and then upload. It's worth making backups of files before complex changes.


Hope that helps.

- osCommerce is fun! -
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Again, thanks for that information...


Which files would I need to download? All files, or just a selection? Is it then possible to use some kind of WYSIWYG editor to makes the necessary changes, as I'm not too experienced with making 'blind' changes via a text editor...


I'm getting there slowly...!!!

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If you just want to download one file at a time, that's fine.


I prefer to have the whole osCommerce directory mirrored on my home PC - that way, if there is a technical problem, or I delete something from the FTP by mistake, I can easily upload a backup.


WYSIWIG editors - I can't say for sure, but I don't think they will work. Firstly, because a lot of osCommerce uses PHP commands that a WYSIWIG HTML editor wouldn't be able to modify. Secondly, because a lot of WYSIWIG editors write "bad", over-long, HTML to get a result - text-only editing is much more efficient.


It's not too hard to start manipulating the code - I had a basic understanding of the concepts, but my actual knowledge of HTML was close to 0 before setting up my online shop and forum. In the main it's been straightforward to make basic changes - the Wiki documentation helps a lot.

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