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SSL causing probs for catalog and admin


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I installed 2.2-MS2 thru my web hosting company, running on an apache server.

It does use .htaccess. I got 404 errors when trying to create an account or log

in on the demo page until I changed the line in catalog/includes/configure.php from:

define('enable_ssl' ,true) to define('enable_ssl' ,false)


So now I can pretend to run a business. First question: What do I need to change so this is running secure? Here is the rest of this config file.


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.name.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.name.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL',false); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.name.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', name.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/oscommerce');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/oscommerce');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');


define('DIR_WS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC', 'pub/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/');

define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');



// define our database connection

define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); // eg, localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_DATABASE', name_com_-_oscommerce');

define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persistent connections?

define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'


Next question. I still cannot access my oscommerce/admin page. Obviously, it asks for a username and password. I figured it would be my admin username/password for the site. It is not. I have an open ticket with the web hosting company to see if they can help. I tried the same trick as above in /admin/includes/configure.php, changing define('enable_ssl_catalog',true), but

it did not work. I still get the login request. Here is the remainder of that file.


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.name.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.com');

define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://www.name.com');

define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'true'); // secure webserver for catalog module

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/'); // where the pages are located on the server

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/oscommerce/admin/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/admin/'); // absolute pate required

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/');

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');


// define our database connection

define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); // eg, localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxx');

define('DB_DATABASE', 'name_com_-_oscommerce');

define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persisstent connections?

define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'


One last bit of info. I have been all over the forums, and in one, I saw a caution about using file-manager to edit PHP files, which is, of course, what I have been using. I am careful to only change the text I need to change, but for instance, in applications_top.php in both catalog and admin, I added the define() statements I saw on the forums, by cutting and pasting. Could this be the "root" of my problem?? Here is the salient portion of /catalog/includes/application_top.php, for you perusal.


//manual changes per faq site

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.name.com');

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.name.com');

define('ENABLE_SSL', 1);

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/');

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/oscommerce/admin/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/');


define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_DATABASE', name_com_-_oscommerce');

define('USE_PCONNECT', 1);


Here is the similar portion of /admin/includes/application_top.php:


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.name.com');

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/xxx/xxx/html/oscommerce/');

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/oscommerce/admin/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/oscommerce/');


define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');

define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'xxxxx');

define('DB_DATABASE', 'name_com_-_oscommerce');

define('USE_PCONNECT', 1);


Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,


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First check the basics.


Can you access your site http://www.whatever.com using https://www.whatever.com ?


Several people have spent a lot of time endlessly tweaking their config files when their ssl was not set up right or they misunderstood the method(s) for using shared ssl.


ooops... :angry:


didn't mean to give those guys a free plug but it does demonstrate the issue.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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I installed OSC from the Control Panel of Web.com, and I did not get a specific notification that SSL was installed. I suspect that this is where the problem is, and have a trouble ticket in.

I do have the IP of the server, etc. When I attempt to look at Https://name.com the index.php does not come up, but instead I get a dialog box to the webhost admin page, where I can successfully login as the admin of the site, change files, and generally get into trouble.



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