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Thumbnail Contrib????


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My site is getting there slowly but surely. Last week when I asked for testers it was suggested to me that I need to install a thumbnail contib to help with my page loading times. I have never done this before as I had an expert get me to the point I am now.


I am running an older version of mscommerce as that is what the guy who installed it for me preferred. I am wondering if I upload 2 images for every product, (ie: Products Image & Big Image which is a feature I have in my version) if that would take care of this problem, or if I still need a thumbnail contrib.




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I am wondering if I upload 2 images for every product, (ie: Products Image & Big Image which is a feature I have in my version) if that would take care of this problem

Sounds fine, as long as the smaller images/thumbnails are not much more than about 3k each I would say.

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Sounds like you are really in a hurry isn't it?

Would a thumbnail contrib resize them for me?


Or am I better off making them all myself?
If you only have to resize and compress a couple of pictures and you like working with Photoshop (or wathever) it might be an option.


I'm adding new product images daily, there might be thousends in the end. It would be a nightmare for me to do it all myself (don't really like edditting images).

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