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Image URL error and Tell a friend missing


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Good morning all,


I have managed to upload the software without to much bother thankfully. My own 2 queries are that in the admin panel some of images do not seem to be working properly. The domain name part of the URL seems to be missing for example:




when it should read http://www.mysite.com/catalog/images/test.gif


Is this a common problem or am i being a bell end.


My second query is that when you click on an item to buy it doesnt give you the option to tell a friend. Have I missed something out???


Kind regards



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In catalog->includes->configure.php


make sure that you have the following

  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.mysite.com); 
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.mysite.com') // what ever your ssl server is if you have one


I don't know why tell a friend isn't working try having a look at


catalog->includes->column_right.php and make sure it is there



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is the option to Allow a Guest to tell a friend set to true in the admin panel under configuration

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is the option to Allow a Guest to tell a friend set to true in the admin panel under configuration

many thanks Nimmit for your help...


241 yeh this is set to TRUE.... very odd

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OK I am nearly done....


I have sorted the Tell a Friend issue.. ( I am to embarrassed to say how <_< )


I am still not seeing images within the admin area... It seems to be images that I upload and also:





My settings within my configure file are as mentioned by Nimmit:



define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.mysite.com);

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.mysite.com') // what ever your ssl


It is not a massive issue as I can work out what the images are meant to be but it would be nice for it to be perfect...


Any help would be great..





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