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please - desparate for help - image contribution


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url: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ons,1953/page,5


Title: PERFECT Distorted Image FIX


This is the exact functionality I need to get my images looking as good on the new site as the old site. I've followed the install/setup instructions exactly. It appears to be working except it's not finding the big image. The popup window is just a blank, white page.


I'm wondering if I don't have the BIG directory in the wrong place, or I'm not using the right nameing convention for the big image.


I've tried the directories BIG and IMAGESBIG at the same level as catalog, and withing the catalog directory (catalog/BIG and catalog/IMAGESBIG) and within the images directory (catalog/images/BIG and catalog/images/IMAGESBIG). I've tried the directory names in both caps and lower case.


My thumbs are name t_???. I named my big images the same and the same only without the t_, which is also the product number.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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