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Tweak Url help please


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First off thanks to all the support you guys have offered other people, I snaked around a lot of problems researching the help you have offered, but this one I can't identify where the URL is. Im using DZSoft PHP Editor and I am trying to find out where I can change the URL on the main page of OSCommerce at the Top left for the word Top (to the left of Catalog). The reason for this, is that my website uses Frames and when you hit the Top, it opens a whole new instance of my webpage within the Main center so that two pages are showing at the same time. It's pretty annoying. If you can tell me where I can disable this and how, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks again, to all of you that help us out, when I finally make money I want to support you guys! Thanks, joe


P.S. Can you give me a few hints on safely removing the secondary languages included in the OSCommerce, I guess I can just remove the Links to the languages, but if you know a easy thorough way to remove the other languages other than English I would appreciate it. Thanks again.

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Probably not the answer you are looking for, but I would recommend you not use frames. They cause more problems than they solve. The "back" button doesn't work like users expect, bookmarking is difficult, not all browsers support them.


Just my $.02


You can remove the entire language box and solve the problem of alternate languages.



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Thanks Jason, I hear ya about the Frames, I need to readjust the site and get rid of them, but I am pretty new and not quite sure how to setup with the .div? way. Thanks about the language, I had just figured it out and came back to erase that part of the post. Anyone know that location of the of the URL though? Thanks again.

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Do you need the link?


what i usually do is go into catalog/includes/languages/english.php

and change this line


define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', 'Top');


to this


define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', '');


The link doesnt show at all then, the catalog link gives a link back to the front page of the shop, and you can hard code a link to your main index page into the header or page somewhere if you need too.


The breadcrumb links are generated in the breadcrumb class in catalog/includes/classes


they are called by most pages using the following code near the top of the page, for example in the shipping page it would be

$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING));




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I never thought I would type these words, but Thanks Hotnuts..hahahah Hey, when I changed that line I got a parse error on line 284 and all my field boxes went haywire with php text? I will investigate the breadcrumb way and see if I can get success that way. Thanks for your help, Joe

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Parse error: parse error in /home/techbe53/public_html/catalog/includes/languages/english.php on line 284






TEXT_GREETING_GUEST (example of the text no showing on the page)


then I experimented by putting a space after after TOP',_"); and I tired it this way as well TOP',"); when I tried it with the space I got this parse error


Parse error: parse error in /home/techbe53/public_html/catalog/includes/languages/english.php on line 284


Which seems to find the same problem in the line?

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im guessing that line 284 is at the bottom of the file?


Is there a space after the


Make sure there is no extra line or space after that point.

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Hey thanks for all your help Paul, but I am not even finding the > to check and see if there are any spaces. I had done exactly what you stated and put a couple variables in there just to make sure and kept running into the same Parse error, so I think that I may be better off doing what you suggested in the firstplace by removing the frames, and just let the URL take the user back to the top of the homepage. Thanks man, I really appreciate the time you took for my problem. Totally appreciated, thanks, joe

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Thanks Paul, you fixed it and anyone wanting to know how this was done. Cause I misread Pauls answer


define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', 'Top');


to this


define('HEADER_TITLE_TOP', '');


When you change the line make sure you use TOP', ' '); using two single hyphens, not qoutation marks.


Thanks again Paul, you do good work!

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