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The e-commerce.

Attribute Manager


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Hello !!


I`ve installed attribute_sorter, attribute_copier and attribute manager (as 3 different contribs). These work very good together.. There`s just thing I really miss and hope you can tell me how to solve it.


I`d like to have the possibility to change the sort of the attributes in the "attribute manager" screen.. This the only value of the attributes that can`t be changed in this screen..


Can anyone follow me.. and maybe help me ??


Many THX in Advance.. Meano

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I had the same problem.. I'm not using the attribute copier, but I had manager and the sorter, so I created an update to the sorting program that allows you to change the sort from the product page. I just uploaded it, and you can find it here




I hope it helps (or at least points you in the right direction!)

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