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Another Shipping method


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Hi everyone...


Looking for someone who could help me out here and probably broaden my idea / request...


Basiclly i am trying to customise a shipping by a product. I have different types of products like Books, CD's and DVD's... these are the format's that i have and would like to do a shipping based on the format.. ( just like the shipping by product but with the format instead.)


What i would like to have is to have the first shipping rate and then a second shipping rate so my table would look something like:


Products Format First Shipping Second Shipping

Books BK 2.25 0.75

Cd's CD 1.25 0.35

dvd's DVD 1.25 0.35




SO if you buy 1 book( which is BK) you will get charged.. 2.25

if you buy 2 books ( which is BK) you will get charged 2.25 + 0.75 = 3.00


If you buy

1 CD = 1.25

2 CD's 1.25 +0.35 = 1.60


same applies to DVD's



If you buy mixed products...

like 1 Book , 1 Cd and 1 DVD

then you will have


1 Book (BK ) = 2.25 ( highest)

1 Cd (CD) = 0.35

1 Dvd (DVD) = 0.35


Total shipping = 2.95



All the shipping would be referenced from the format Table and also from the highest first shipping rate...


hope someone can shed some light...

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