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The e-commerce.

The Case of the missing Shipping Information?


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Can anybody give me a bit of friendly guidance here!


I am helping a mate install oscommerce on his server, and after a few teething problems everything is up and running and he has started populating his product database - great.


Well, it was until last night when he asked me to show him where he had gone wrong editting the shipping.php, conditions.php and policy.php files.


The first time I looked at his server through an FTP package I noticed all three had 0k filesize - so I uploaded a copy of the origional install files. At first it would not let me - which turned out to be a server error which had been fixed by this morning. So today I uploaded the files again and they went no problem.


Now the policy and conditions files display correctly but the shipping page has totally vanished - as in there is nothing on the page at all! If you look at the file though it is 1k and when you view it in an editor it is all as it should be.


Have a look for your self to see what I mean the site is Drench Performance


Someone please help - this has really got me head scratching!





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