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osCPro Subscription challenge


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To use the osCPro Subsciption Contribution, I need to have Zend installed.


My server has Zend installed but it is not "active" by default. I was told that I need to add the following lines in a php.ini file and put that file in each directory that requires the use of Zend:







How, and where, would I put this into osCommerce?

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I think that is your PHP configuration file that the code is supposed to be added to. I don't know alot about Zend but php.ini is the configuration file for PHP (on my windows test machine it is in the WINNT folder). If you are hosted I think you would have to ask to have it added to the php.ini file but I am no expert on how to configure PHP. The PHP Website would probably be very useful and Zend's Website.

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I created a php.ini file with the above code and also had to add register_globals = On. I put the file in EVERY directory that oscommerce is using, including the root directory.


I can access the admin secion fine, but when I access the actual store, I can the "Zend not installed" error which means it's accessing a directory somewhere that doesn't have my php.ini file.


I used Fantastico to install oscommerce, could there be files "above" the root directory that oscommerce is accessing?

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The reason for the zend requirement was the original contribution was encoded with zend encoder.


As this breached the GPL licence a new contribution will be made soon which will not require Zend.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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