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Warning message when pressing order button


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I get this warning message when pressing order/buy now button:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/world/public_html/order/includes/languages/english.php:337) in /home/world/public_html/order/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


I've tried to change the permissions on the files, from 777 to 447 and 444, with no luck. I also don't know how to count myself down to line 29. :huh:


Anyone who can help a newbie, please?


Thank you so much. ;)



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The problem is caused by whitespace at the very end of english.php - open the filr in a text editor and place your mouse cursor after the last ?> and hit your delete key - save the file and upload it to your server :)


A good text editor will show line numbers - this is essential if you wish to modify code. TSW Web Coder is a freeware editor that will suffice nicely.



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