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Informational - PayFlow Pro problems...


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Just posting this for informational purposes. I tried and could not find any posts in here with this little tip.


Our config:

linux based apache server, osCommerce 2.2 with the payflow pro payment module, with our php compiled to include the native php pf_pro functions.


After getting all our our versign passwords and partner names and the like straightened out, we were able to successfully process TEST transactions. However, when we went live we would only receive a "Credit Card Error! Declined" error no matter what we did. After banging our heads against various things for a while, we finally got versign support and the phone who told us that we were still hitting the test server -- even though in the admin we were configured to payflow.verisign.com and NOT test-payflow.versign.com.


So here is the deal:


Apparently, the pfpro_process() php function looks like it defaults to "test.signio.com" (versigns old payment address?) if you don't tell it to do otherwise. And there-in lies the problem. Here is our fix:


In the module payflowpro.php


find line 198, which should be:


$response = pfpro_process($transaction);


This sends to a default test server (test.signio.com) since there is no host

specified.  Change it to this:


$response = pfpro_process($transaction,




There is a whole lot more that the pfpro_process can handle...


array pfpro_process ( array parameters [, string address [, int port [, int

timeout [, string proxy_address [, int proxy_port [, string proxy_logon [,

string proxy_password]]]]]]])


Some of this is in the pfpro configuration, and should be passed to this if

you are using them (such as proxies, etc).  I leave it an exercise for the

reader to find the names and insert them appropriately.


Good Luck :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Thank GOD for this post. I thank you so much for fixing my problem. its 4:42 am..now i can finally go to sleep.




I am getting to the final step of the order process CONFIRM ORDER and get;


Fatal error: pfpro_process() array values must be strings, ints or floats in /home/shoptan/public_html/store/includes/modules/payment/payflowpro.php on line 198



Does anyone know why it doesnt complete the test transaction?

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I am getting to the final step of the order process CONFIRM ORDER and get;


Fatal error: pfpro_process() array values must be strings, ints or floats in /home/shoptan/public_html/store/includes/modules/payment/payflowpro.php on line 198

Does anyone know why it doesnt complete the test transaction?


Someone have any advice?I have asked my webhost and got this reply;




You will have to take this problem up with Verisign, I found one website with the same problem: It might even be a problem at the OSC plugin end (Most likely problem), judging by the problem and solutions below it seems the OSC/payflow plugin can't handle something correctly.




"I finally got mine to go through. I switched from a debit to a credit card and from Visa to MC. Maybe that will help someone."


and another:


"Yes, clearly foxstore.com has issues with certain credit card numbers for some reason. I tried one number (Mastercard) on two different browsers and two different computers multiple times. Finally used a different Mastercard number and it worked fine."


The responces are in regards to this problem;


"anyone else having problems right now i get


Fatal error: pfpro_process() array values must be strings, ints or floats in /usr/local/apache/hosts/foxstore.com/www/includes/functions_orders.php on line 113"

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