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What accounting program do you use with OSCOMMERCE


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Personally, I use Quickbooks Pro since it is pretty easy to integrate OSC into it on a basic level by using the QBs contribution. It also has the FedEx Ship Manager built in allowing you to print shipping labels at a click of a button plus adding in package info, as well as somewhat integrated credit card processing. My typical day consists of downloading my quickbooks file from OSCommerce, importing the pending orders into quickbooks, entering in cc#s since they are not imported, packaging, clicking on the "ship button" for each order, waiting for FedEx to come and pick up at 12:30 and then done for the day. I paid a whopping $75 for the program after a rebate for upgrading and that was that. :D

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I left MYOB for QuickBooks. I am saving money on the credit card processing fees (no gateway or batch upload fees), and the nice thing is that it integrates the credit card processing and shipping with QB. I also purchased the Customer Manager option, something I recommend.

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Can one of you please give me detailed info on setting up quickbooks to work with my store. The quickbooks contribution is installed, and I believe I modified it correctly. I haven't used classes in the past though and will now have to. I am starting with a fresh version of Quickbooks as well (Pro 2003). In a sense I am starting my business over. I had previously only sold on ebay, now am an official business, so starting from scratch again.


If anyone has written a simple guide for this I would love the link.




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downloading my quickbooks file from OSCommerce, importing the pending orders into quickbooks, entering in cc#s since they are not imported, packaging, clicking on the "ship button" for each order


for us noobs out there could you maybe provide some sort of step by step instructions on what you do here, meaning where the options are located and what not. thank would be very cool.

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"for us noobs out there could you maybe provide some sort of step by step instructions on what you do here, meaning where the options are located and what not. thank would be very cool. "


BIG Ditto, I've got an IT guy who does the 'programming/support' end of my oscommerce site but his times too limited lately so I'm trying to do some background.


I spent a few hours on the phone today with various software companies that all talked in circles. Plus a couple hours playing with quickbooks iif files in excel but can't get quickbooks to create a format I believe UPS will accept. City/state/zip always end up in same column....


I have OScommerce (2.1) running fine for a couple years now. I take those orders, manually create customers in quickbooks, then manually create customers in UPS.....argg!! (I ship from Canada to US if this matters)


I want to have a system that take OS Commerce customers, makes transition into quickbooks and UPS easy! If it allows orders to be sucked in too thats a bonus.


Paying for this help is fine, I just need someone I know I can trust to provide this. All aids welcome. Thanks in advance!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey has anyone received an answer on this topic? I am in the same boat as mml.


I input the same info multiple times per order.



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On Amazon.com, I looked at the QB reviews for 2004 Pro and many people didn't like it. A few people posted some good comments about "Simply Accounting 2004" which is only about $40. Unless you need the industrial strength accounting packages, I would save yourself the money and keep it simple. Also, Simply Accounting imports MYOB, QB and PeachTree files.





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Thanks Joey for the quick reply.


I am currently using QB Pro 2003 and was hoping to integrate it with osC. Like mentioned before, I input the customer and order info into QB manually and then go to my merchant screen and input it again and then go to UPS and input it once again. I would like to automate this as much as possible.



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it would do you best to look at the qb contribution and see if it fits your needs for sales, etc. go into the contribution support area, find the quick books thread and start reading in there, see from the questions, etc if it is something you want to use. cant hurt to try . . .

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