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Backup and Restore


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Can anybody help me to clone (restore the db) my store for $$?

Also, I can't get rid of

"Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/inter/public_html.....

This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file"


Please help.


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First of all did you make a backup of your store?

That is done in the administration page /tools/database backup

At the same time it has two butttons one for backup and restore, so if you need to restore you click restore and its that simple but you must have made a backup.


As for your security risk you have to go to that section in your admin features for your web host which would be www.yourdomain.com/admin


go to manage files/... and follow folders to the file causing the problem and click on file icon (not name) and set user permissions removing the "write" one

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