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Reply Addresss to email contact incorrect


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When i receive an email from the contact us page the email has the folowing format in the from address


chris nTo: Chris Durkin nMIME-Version: 1.0nX-Mailer: osCommerce MailernContent-Type: text/plain


which when i choose reply to looks like this


[email protected]@cd-solution.co.uk


this is the email address of the 'sender' with the 'to' email address of the store


i have played around with the includes/functions/general.php file particular the


$message->send($to_name, $to_email_address, $from_email_name, $from_email_address, $email_subject);


but i can't get the email to be sent to me with a correct return address



What am i doing wrong, it seems as though even though i have specified an email address in the catalog/admin configuration there is somewhere an other entry stored for the return address which gets attached to the retun address of the real sender.


Hope this makes sense




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