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need help with this code


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Ok I have this for diplaying catagorie name and it works fine it displays the current catagorie.

<?php echo ucwords(strtolower($catagories('catagories_name'))); ?>


i would also like to display the parent catagorie when there is one any ideas.



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I cant let dthis one get away i have been working on it all day!

I need to display the catagorie folowed py the sub catagorie cinda like the bread crumbs which i know nothing about yet.

The above code works for diplaying the current catagorie i need to chang or make a nother one for displaying the parent catagorie.

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Ok I have this for diplaying catagorie name and it works fine it displays the current catagorie.

<?php echo ucwords(strtolower($catagories('catagories_name'))); ?>


i would also like to display the parent catagorie when there is one any ideas.



Nobody wants to give me help with this?

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Look at how the breadcrumb works.

Ya i looked at how they work not that i understan compleatly!

If i call the breadcrumbs.php it will list all that is in the trail>

I just want to display the parent catagory along side the current catagory.

i have it working for the current catagory the parent catagory is a little more challanging i guse?


I will keep trying


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  • 1 year later...
Ya i looked at how they work not that i understan compleatly!

If i call the breadcrumbs.php it will list all that is in the trail>

I just want to display the parent catagory along side the current catagory.

i have it working for the current catagory the parent catagory is a little more challanging i guse?


I will keep trying



Did you ever find the solution for this? I am interested in doing this as well.

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you could duplicate the tep_get_parent_categories - remove the recursion - and make it return the category's parent's name. That function is in the catalog\includes\functions\general.php

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