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Last Oders in DB not showing in admin


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I am aware that there has been some discisi0ons already about Orders, I have been reading a few. I have a weird problem I wanted to share. And if its a blonde question, even better for yous to answer...


The last orders I made as tests (after many orders from customers, the shop is live) are stored in the Database and I can perform asearch based on Order ID from tha admin panel. But the orders are not showing on the ORDERS panel in admin, for some strange reason.


If u know any solution to this or even why this happens, please help me. Also, may you know some posted topic that answers this, please let me know.





Angel Luis Gonzalez Fernandez

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Ok, aparently, and for no resason, its working fine again.

Sometimes I dont understand, really, how can things like this happen, you know. Suddenly something fails, after months of working properly...



Thanks for all the answers guys...



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