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Desperate for help:- Using a second site for SSL


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Hi All


I would like to have several sites selling different products.


I have purchased a seperate domain to act as a central secure server and an SSL cert to protect it.


FYI I am proceesing cards offline for various reasons.


I would like to have the sites divert to the secure site to enter payment details and then return back to the sending site on completion. Basically the same way as for a payment gateway but without the card processing.


I have searched for days now through the contributions and forum but can't seem to find any reference to this particular problem.


I would be very very grateful if somebody could point in the direction of some help.


I still want people to be able to submit their card and details via the net even though I have pay by phone , cheque, transfer, and fax.


Any help will be gratefully received


Thanx in advance



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Use the simple creditcard method.


You will probably need your host to configure this for you.


https://site1.mysecuredomain.com -> site1.com

https://site2.mysecuredomain.com -> site2.com

https://site3.mysecuredomain.com -> site3.com


mysecuredomain.com actually has nothing on it, its just configured so that each subdomain proxies the correct domain through SSL.


I forgot how the certs work, you might need a wildcard cert that cost more.

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Thanks for the reply. I have configured the site as you suggest with sub domains but my question is really what part of the OSC do I need to put in these sub domains?

do i need to copy the full site across or is their simply a way of having the payment forms or an alternative payment form there. I have to confess my php is non existent so I have to stumbler my way through code from a Perl perspective which causes me some problems...


I have found that just copying the site across and pointing config.php to the secure site redirects you for everything from the moment that you log in. I only what the payment form to be on the secure site and the rest held on the main site. Is this possible.


Thanks again



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I'm doing something similar but not as complicated. Several sites with one central "store". I don't need to conceal the fact that the central store links back to all sites and shows all products. In fact, it's a sales tool. People get exposed to stuff on the "checkout site" that they did not see on the "showroom" sites.


You could look at the multiple stores contributions. They seem to work by assigning unique ids to each store's products. Or you could put your coding hat on and check the http referrals and flip people back to the site they came from once they complete check out.


I don't see how the sub-domain idea above does anything for you. It seems like needless complexity for no purpose.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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These pages are exactly the same file on the same computer in the same directory.






The configuration has to be done in the DNS server and apache config most likely by your hosting company.


The same way you might make both domains like mysite.com and mysite.net point to the same server.

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As far as I know a certificate authority only issues when your site www.mycompany.com has an IP of its own. More domains (company.com, firm.com, shack.com) on an IP won't work for a certificate.



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