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AACCKK! What in the H is going on?


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Hello Everyone,


I don't know what is happening to my live shop but it won't show the product images! The images are there and the database is perfectly intact and the subcategory headings are displaying but all of a sudden my products have disappeared!! I'd love to get them back as soon as possible.


The only thing I think I could have done was to delete the cache folder that I was "using". It was completely empty when I deleted and that is why I deleted it because my cacheing feature was not working properly so I figured I didn't need to mess with it.


There are no place holders either so I cannot tell if my store has somehow been misdirected to another images directory. I even did a test add product and the image shows up on the admin side but when I viewed the catalog home page the image was again missing.


I don't understand how this happened when everything ran perfectly for so long! Somebody PLEASE HELP!

Many many thanks


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