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The e-commerce.

add new link?ody shipping, policies contact etc...


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anybody know how I can make a new link? I dont need it to appear on the main page I made a banner with the links in it so I just need the page like www.mysite.com/catalog/disclaimer.php thanks all help is appreciated

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<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link('disclaimer.php', '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">Disclaimer</a>'; ?>

the class part can be changed for another class from the stylesheet

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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where would you like to put it ? is it meant to go in the header? do you have other links in the header that you would like this to sit next to? Is it meant to go in a box? If you know where you want to put it then I can show you how to put it the code may require altering dependent on where it is being placed, as is this is a stand alone code that can be placed between the tags <td></td> as one example

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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* Find where you like to put the link to the extra page ... if you want another link into the Information Box, edit the /store/includes/boxes/information.php file.

* Copy-Paste the given instructions,

* Be sure to have the disclaimer.php file in the /store directory, and

* Prepare a language file also named disclaimer.php and put it in /store/includes/language/english (or what ever language you need.


Should work!








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is there a way I can just rename the privacy.php to disclaimer.php and just make it different information?


You can edit the language file of privacy.php and make it display what ever information you like! I think that just renaming the file will not work!


Regarding the instructions given in a previous post, you also have to add the new file to includes/filename.php !






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thanks antonios, I defined it in the file and added it to the languages folder and /catalog but this is the error i get


Warning: main(includes/languages/english/SHOPPING.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bella/public_html/store/shopping.php on line 15


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/SHOPPING.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/bella/public_html/store/shopping.php on line 15


dunno what im doing wrong :(

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