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Dear all


I am having trouble with the OrderCheck contribution and it struck me as strange that the oscommerce package has the facility for customers to enter product reviews, but there is no way of entering reviews of the contributions.


This would enable novices like me to see other people's experiences,comments, advice etc for any contribution before trying to install it.


It would also be a good way of identifying contributions which should be considered for inclusions in future releases.





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It's not quite that simple.


You still have the "needle in a haystack" problem of finding the most relevant posts, and this does not provide an overview of the contribution and how successful it has been.


The support forum like all the others has a large number of posts and let's face it, will be biased towards those with problems. There may also only be a few posts as only a few people have tried it.


Nobody would want a post for each successful installation as that would make the forum unmanageable, but a separate review system would be good.

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I totally agree. It would be good to see the most popular contribs so that new users could find the best ones quickly. At present there are so many contributions that it is incredibly difficult to find a useful one.


Also, I'd suggest that the catagories were broken down further because the current catagories are far too broad.

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