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How to show foreign key relationship???


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I am just wondering how to add/remove a foreign key. Currently I don't see any table relationships displayed in phpMyAdmin. But I know the relationship is there because I cannot add a record in manufactures_info table without an existing manufacturers_id in the manufacturers table, i.e. referential integrity is being enforceed right now. Please help. Thanks.




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There is no relationship. OSC tables do not hold foreign key relationships.


No foreign keys are defined in the schema, even if it did, OSC uses MyISAM tables which do not support foreign keys.


You should have no trouble doing -


INSERT into manufacturers_info values(1000, 1, 'www.rubbish.com', 1, now());


If you want foreign key support on mysql use InnoDB tables instead, otherwise referential integrity must be enforced at the application/OSC level for all other table types.

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