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Help with links and session id


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I need some help

im trying to use a link and have that link carry the session id


for example

this what the link looks like now but how can i make that link carry the session id


<td><a href="http://www.njems.org/vita/guide2.php">Age Spots <br></td>



you can take a look at it at njems.org/vita



please any help would be great





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I had the same problem, but I now have the answer.


I devised a way to totally bypass the session IDs.




In the file configure.php, one the first like of code you will

see this:




BTW....It doesn't REALLY say YOUR URL...that's just an example.




Replace whatever is in the place of YOUR URL with your domain,

so that it reads:


define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.njems.org');


(don't forget to include the full stop before your domain name)



Refresh your browser, and then you will find that the session IDs are gone.




Hope this helps.



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If you use OsCommerce's tep_href_link routine, the session will be maintained. You could look at an OsCommerce routine like conditions.php to see how it is used. But you'll also need to include some additional code, such as require statements in order to use it. I used conditions.php as a shell for my program, took out what I didn't need, and added my code. Also you'll need to have your programs at the same level as the Oscommerce programs (ie. your code in the catalog folder, or Oscommerce in the route directory.


I hope this helps a bit. B)

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I am trying to add buttons for one of my clients and am having session's being dropped if the viewer ad's more then one item to their cart.


Can you shoot me an example of this? Would make my life much easier :)




Rich Rodgers

OsCommerce | PHP Nuke Webmaster

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Rich,


Sorry it took so long to reply, but I just noticed your message! This is the code from one of my programs using the tep-href routines:


<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>

<title>beadmedley--limited edition</title>
<!--<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>-->
<base href="<?php echo (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_CATALOG; ?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">

<!--Sample tep_href_link calls-->
<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LTD_SILVER1) . '">' . tep_image('images/limited_silver.jpg', 'limited edition silver') . '</a>'; ?> 

           echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LTD_SILVER1) . '"><b>' .  '<center>Silver<br> Necklaces</center>' . '</b></a>';


It includes the code you'll need at the top of your program, and 2 sample tep_href_link calls(one using an image as the link). You'll also have to modify filenames.php in your INCLUDES folder to include the program name(ie: FILENAME_BLABLABLA) you're in, as well as the program name that you're linking to. I hope I haven't left anything out. I'm still pretty new at this myself!





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Took me a long time to find out...


i did,.... Except with one bug.....


The Session Id gets stored at a variable called $osCsid by default...


To carry on the id you will have to add this to the url...

transfer.php?osCsid=<? echo $osCsid;?>


now... The bug..


This will only work... and only work if a the client clicks on a link with the tep, or the session id..


Why? it is because when the user clicks on it that the $osCsid gets recognized...


Hope someone finds a solution for this




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