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The e-commerce.

Downloadable Products question...


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Hi folks.



I've noticed that, with my store, I could (if I wanted to) sell downloadable products on my site.


OK, I've created a "storeownload" folder in my directory.

I also notice that, in my admin, I can configure expiry days and limit the number of downloads.


Now....How does the downloadable thing work?



Do they get an email with a link to the download after purchasing?


Explain in simple terms pleeeez...I'm a newbie! :blink:

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I tested it, but it didnt work.



In configure.php my place for storing my downloadable produts is 'download/' which I assume is the 'download' folder.


I noticed that there is a file called unreal.zip in that folder so I typed unreal.zip in the product attributes section of a product in my catalogue that I chose at random.


I tested it by making a purchase, but it didn't work.



Am I doing something wrong???? :(

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It is a tricky process. I have yet to figure it out myself. LMK if you get it figured out.




Log into osCommerce as a customer and look at your orders.

There should be a link allowing you to download the product

when you click it.


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